Lorelai Quote #1913

Quote from Lorelai in Jews and Chinese Food

Lorelai: You are so not starving here at Yale.
Rory: My lips are frozen.
Lorelai: Look, while it might seem a little eccentric to eat ice cream in forty degree weather-
Rory: You think?!
Lorelai: There are several advantages to the concept. For example, since it's cold out, the ice cream won't melt, therefore it'll last longer.
Rory: So then my lips will stay frozen for double the amount of time.
Lorelai: Mmm-hmm. Okay, I lost the feeling in my tongue.
Rory: I'm throwing the ice cream out now.
Lorelai: Oh, my God, it's frozen. It's like an ice cube. A tongue-shaped ice cube and it'll never thaw.
Rory: Then why don't you shut your mouth? Let the heat stay inside?
Lorelai: That was hostile. And useful. Thank you.


 ‘Jews and Chinese Food’ Quotes

Quote from Lorelai

Rory: Hey, do you think Grandpa knew about it?
Lorelai: About Christopher coming?
Rory: Do you think he planned it with Grandma?
Lorelai: Look how panicked you are. No, honey, honestly, the whole thing reeks of Emily. I mean, not that I think he would have discouraged it, but I'm pretty sure she's the one who poisoned the apple and gave it to Dopey to bring to the party.

Quote from Michel

Sookie: [answers phone] Hello?
Michel: I heard a noise in the kitchen.
Sookie: What kind of noise?
Michel: A "bam", or a "clang". Possibly a "crash". It might have a "wham" or a "kapow".
Sookie: Well, did you go check it out?
Michel: Excuse me, I'm extremely busy. Someone here has to work, I mean, the two of you just run off to do your little decorating project and you leave me here alone.
Sookie: Michel! Did you actually hear a noise?
Michel: Of course I heard a noise. It was a "thwap" or a "vroom".

Quote from Michel

Sookie: [answers phone] What, Michel?
Michel: I'm smelling something very funny coming from the kitchen. Could be a pungent cheese, could be arson. Should I call the firemen to come, or should I just fetch some crackers?