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Lorelai's Graduation Day

‘Lorelai's Graduation Day’

Season 2, Episode 21 - Aired May 14, 2002

As Lorelai's graduation from community college approaches, Rory invites her grandparents to attend the ceremony against her mother's wishes. On the big day, Rory cuts school and goes to New York to see Jess.

Quote from Rory

Man: Excuse me. I'm so sorry to bother you. Which way is 44th?
Rory: Uh... that way.
Man: Great. Thanks. [walks off]
Rory: I got asked directions.
Jess: I saw.
Rory: He took me for a native. That's so cool.
Jess: That's very impressive. 44th's the other way.
Rory: Oh, no.
Jess: It's all right.
Rory: Man, I should go find him.
Jess: He'll figure it out when he sees the numbers getting smaller. He's not a baby.
Rory: He still thought I was a native. That's cool.
Jess: I'm your witness.


Quote from Rory

Jess: Why did you come here?
Rory: What?
Jess: I said, why did you come here?
Rory: Well,
Jess: I mean, you ditched school and everything. That's so not you. Why'd you do it?
Rory: Because you didn't say goodbye.
Jess: Oh. Goodbye, Rory.
Rory: Bye, Jess.

Quote from Lorelai

Lorelai: Pizza is not below me. I love pizza. I eat tons of pizza. It's one of my four major food groups. Candy, popcorn, and pizza. See. It's two of my food groups. That's how much I love pizza.

Quote from Richard

Richard: Are you telling me that that is the best commencement speaker they can scrounge up?
Emily: I hope RauI's getting enough shots of Lorelai. I don't want the whole damn ceremony and none of her.
Richard: Oh, no, I disagree. I hope he gets every inspired word articulated by the East Coast Marketing Director of Poppin' Taco.

Quote from Sookie

Jackson: Aspirins instead of Jordan almonds? But we already bought the almonds.
Sookie: Wow. Now, that's the longest anything's ever taken.
Jackson: My family's not gonna get the joke. Can't we just use the almonds?
Sookie: Okay, sweetie, calm down.

Quote from Lorelai

Rory: I'm so, so sorry.
Lorelai: You're okay, right?
Rory: Yes.
Lorelai: Everything's working. Your wrist is okay. Nothing new is broken.
Rory: I'm fine.
Lorelai: Anyone you know, like Lane, suddenly get sick today or break an arm themselves, or get in a car wreck?
Rory: No.
Lorelai: Okay, good. Then I can get past worried and move on to the other things.

Quote from Lorelai

Rory: I know you're hurt.
Lorelai: Yeah, you bet I'm hurt. Rory, I really wanted you there today. More than anything. You're why I did this stupid thing in the first place.
Rory: I know.
Lorelai: It was a once-in-a-lifetime thing. You should've been there. My best friend should have been there. Whatever it was that kept you, you should have gotten out of it. At least this once. Was it school?
Rory: It wasn't school.
Lorelai: Was it Paris?
Rory: It wasn't Paris.
Lorelai: Well, what was it?
Rory: So stupid.

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