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Double Date

‘Double Date’

Season 1, Episode 12 - Aired January 18, 2001

Lorelai and Rory both end up on double dates. When Sookie finally sets a date to see Jackson, she ropes Lorelai into accompanying Jackson's cousin. Meanwhile, Rory and Dean tag along when they set Lane up with his friend Todd.

Quote from Michel

Lorelai: Yes, Michel?
Michel: I apologize for any inconvenience I might be causing your future employment. But your current one is experiencing a problem.
Lorelai: Once again I say, 'Yes, Michel?'
Michel: Are you sure you wouldn't like me to wait?
Lorelai: No, Michel.
Michel: Because learning the eating patterns of the average Taco Bell consumer is a vital lesson that...
Lorelai: Michel, what do you want?
Michel: We're overbooked.
Lorelai: How are we overbooked?
Michel: Well, there are more people here than there are rooms to put them in.


Quote from Sookie

Lorelai: I think you should do it now before you lose your nerve.
Sookie: Well, he isn't back to his office yet.
Lorelai: Does he have a cell phone?
Sookie: Yes.
Lorelai: You know, people buy cell phones for exactly this reason. So you can get a hold of them any time you want.
Sookie: I thought people bought cell phones in case their cars broke down at night and they had to call someone for help and there's psycho killers...

Quote from Michel

Lorelai: I give up.
Michel: That's the spirit.
Lorelai: I can't remember any of this crap.
Michel: Well, not everyone is cut out to be their own boss. Maybe you are more of a worker bee. A follower, a ticket ripper or the man at the concert with the orange glow stick directing you where to park.
Lorelai: You're baiting me, aren't you?
Michel: No. I seriously have no faith in your aptitude.

Quote from Lorelai

Sookie: What if I'm making an idiot out of myself?
Lorelai: By going out on a date?
Sookie: With my produce guy.
Lorelai: You like him.
Sookie: But what if tonight is a disaster and then he won't sell to me anymore?
Lorelai: Oh, my God, you're right.
Sookie: Yes, see?
Lorelai: And since all the produce in the entire world is in his possession and all the produce grown in the future will be in his possession then we will never again get any produce, and all of our vegetarian clients will die.

Quote from Sookie

Sookie: How do you know he's not being polite?
Lorelai: Sookie.
Sookie: No, I mean it. It's like I cornered him. He felt trapped. He had to say yes.
Lorelai: He did not have to say yes.
Sookie: Oh, my God! Technically, I'm his employer.
Lorelai: Sookie.
Sookie: I am. I buy his wares. His livelihood depends on me.
Lorelai: Sookie.
Sookie: [gasps] I'm a sexual harasser.
Lorelai: Well, then you need some false eyelashes.
Sookie: This isn't funny. I am now desperate, lonely, and a criminal.

Quote from Lorelai

Lorelai: You lied to me. What's that nonsense all about?
Rory: I know I shouldn't have done that.
Lorelai: Damn right, you shouldn't have.
Rory: But Lane wanted to go out with Todd. And of course she couldn't tell her mother. So I didn't tell you so you wouldn't have to lie for us.
Lorelai: You lied to me so I wouldn't have to lie to Mrs. Kim?
Rory: Yeah.
Lorelai: My God. You really are my daughter.
Rory: I'm so sorry.
Lorelai: I have to know where you are at all times, especially when you have my shoes on.

Quote from Lane

Rory: Wow. You went new CD crazy.
Lane: They just had an amazing selection today.
Rory: The Best of Blondie, Kraftwerk, Young Marble Giants... Yoko Ono. Really?
Lane: A very misunderstood artist and The Beatles would've broken up anyway.
Rory: Have you shared your theory with anyone?
Lane: I know it, Yoko knows it, Sean knows it. Julian's in denial, but what can you do?

Quote from Lorelai

Lorelai: Hey, I'm studying in there.
Rory: I know.
Lorelai: Yeah. I have, like, 6,000 pages of case studies to memorize and this whole big test on the Wal-Mart phenomenon coming up on Friday. And because I have a life and a job, and because school's not the only thing I have to concentrate, I'm behind and I'll probably fail. And then that 18-year-old annoying gnat who sits behind me will get another 'A' and make that "I'm smart, you're dumb" face to me for the whole week and I'll be very upset and will possibly cry.
Rory: The music's too loud?
Lorelai: Yes.
Rory: Got it.
Lorelai: Thank you.

Quote from Lorelai

Lorelai: Okay, so how important is this whole business school thing anyway? So what if I never run my own inn? I like my job, my house, and my life. And I certainly don't wanna be one of those people who's never satisfied with what they have, you know. I mean, some people don't have legs or arms. I have legs and arms. What more could I possibly want than legs and arms? I mean, I could take all the classes in the world, that's not gonna give me what I have.
Rory: Legs and arms?
Lorelai: Yes. Am I sounding completely crazy?
Rory: Yes, you are.
Lorelai: Wal-Mart is boring.
Rory: Study.

Quote from Michel

Lorelai: I don't understand this.
Michel: Well, I cannot describe it any simpler than I already have.
Lorelai: Where did the Ruckers come from?
Michel: Well, judging from their clothing, a town where high rubber fishing boots and spittoons would be considered formalwear.
Lorelai: Okay, put them in the Jefferson Suite tonight. Move them to their booked room tomorrow. Offer dinner on the house for the inconvenience.
Michel: Very well.
Lorelai: I'm gonna get some more coffee if you need me.
Michel: I'll try and manage while you're gone. Though, God knows, it won't be easy.

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