Judy Geller Quote #28

Quote from Judy Geller in The One with Rachel's Book

Judy Geller: We really do feel bad about this, though.
Jack Geller: We started saving again when you were dating Richard, but then that went to hell, so we redid the kitchen.
Monica: What about when I started dating Chandler?
Judy Geller: Well, it was Chandler. We didn't think he'd ever propose.
Chandler: Clearly I did not start drinking enough at the start of the meal.


 ‘The One with Rachel's Book’ Quotes

Quote from Monica

Monica: Sweetie, this is the most special day of our lives.
Chandler: I realize that, honey, but I'm not going to spend all the money on one party.
Monica: Honey, I love you. But if you call our wedding a party one more time, you may not get invited.

Quote from Judy Geller

Monica: I can't believe there's no money for my wedding.
Judy Geller: We might still have some money if your father hadn't thought it was a good idea to try sell ice over the Internet.
Jack Geller: It seemed like such a simple idea.
Judy Geller: Stupid, Jack. The word is "stupid."

Quote from Ross

Ross: Take it from me. As the groom, all you have to do is show up and try to say the right name.