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Something About Dr. Mary

‘Something About Dr. Mary’

Season 7, Episode 16 - Aired February 17, 2000

When Roz takes a week off work, Frasier finds a temporary producer who quickly makes her mark on his show. Frasier fears he might appear racist if he tells Dr. Mary to limit her contributions to the show.

Quote from Niles

Niles: No, no, no, this is for kickboxing, I finally reached yellow belt, Dad.
Martin: He-hey, what do you know? I'm proud of ya. No, come here. [high fives Niles]
Niles: You know, it requires a lot of talent. You have to have timing and balance, the ability to strike and instantly retreat.
Martin: So you kick them and then run away?
Niles: Yes.


Quote from Martin

Niles: Oh, speaking of golf, dad, I've become quite the sportsman myself. [hands him certificate] What do you think of that?
Martin: Oh, it's very nice, son. But calligraphy really isn't a sport. More of a craft.

Quote from Frasier

Niles: Listen, Frasier. I know you're trying to be sensitive, but you're not showing this woman any respect if you're not as honest with her as you would be with someone else.
Martin: Right, this is your show. When she gets her own show she can say whatever she wants.
Frasier: Wait a minute. You know what, Dad, you may be onto something there. Gosh, I don't know why I didn't think of that myself. You know what, I'm just going to call Kenny and tell him to give her her own show. They're looking for a replacement for "Let's Go Camping With Dan & Jenny."
Martin: What happened to them?
Frasier: They don't know.

Quote from Frasier

Roz: And don't worry, Chuck Ranberg said he'd take over for the week.
Frasier: Absolutely not, Roz. The man's speech impediment will make me giggle all week long.
Roz: Show a little compassion!
Frasier: Oh, come on, you try dealing with a call screener who says, "Dr. Cwane, we have a kweptomaniac on wine fwee."

Quote from Frasier

Frasier: Hi, Roz.
Roz: Hey, Frasier. I listened to your show for about twenty minutes today, I didn't even hear your voice.
Frasier: Well, I'm playing a diminished role these days. Although, still an important one. I am the glue that holds the show together. Or as Mary said in her intro, "The filling in our little Oreo."

Quote from Daphne

Niles: I think Dad'll be properly impressed when I demonstrate my precision in footwork.
Daphne: Oh. It's very impressive, Dr. Crane. You know, I just remembered the Chihuly needs a good dusting.
Frasier: Daphne, I thought you cleaned that yesterday?
Daphne: Oh, did I?
Frasier: Oh, hello, Niles. What brings you here?
Niles: Here to demonstrate my newly acquired feet - [kicking up] hu-ho! - of fury!
Frasier: Carry on, Daphne.

Quote from Martin

Martin: You know, Frasier, there's such a thing as being too sensitive about this stuff. Now, if it was Roz blabbing on instead of this Mary, you'd tell her to put a sock in it, right?
Frasier: Well, I suppose so, but, you know, this is different, Dad. She's just starting out, I didn't want to squelch her enthusiasm.
Martin: Because she's black.
Frasier: Dad, please, will you just stop saying that? Anyway, I will just have to deal with it for a week until Roz gets back.
Martin: Black.
Frasier: Stop it!

Quote from Martin

Niles: For heaven's sake, Frasier, why don't you just talk to her?
Frasier: Well, it's a delicate situation, Niles. For God's sake, it's not all that easy. I mean, she is new to the field, she's sensitive, she's eager to please...
Martin: She's black.
Frasier: Dad, please.
Martin: Well, you know damn well that's what this whole thing's about. I don't know what the big deal is, if she's talking too much, just tell her to shut her big bazoo.

Quote from Roz

Roz: Well, it's no picnic working with Gil either. You know that little joke that he makes before every show that his taste buds are insured?
Frasier: Mmm.
Roz: They really are.
Frasier: Oh!
Roz: Guess who had to take the claims photo after he had to eat a hot slice of pizza?

Quote from Roz

Frasier: Oh, dear, there's Chuck Ranberg. Roz, you've got to tell him he doesn't have the job.
Roz: Why can't you tell him?
Frasier: I'm sorry, I can't hear the man speak without just descending into giggles.
Roz: Oh, you are such a child!
Chuck: Hi, guys.
Roz: Hey, Chuck, how's it going?
Chuck: Oh, tewwible, Woz. My wife was in the Cawwibean and she weft me for a Wastafawian.
[Roz starts laughing]

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