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Semi-Decent Proposal

‘Semi-Decent Proposal’

Season 8, Episode 21 - Aired May 15, 2001

When Frasier meets an enchanting woman at an electronics store, he is surprised to learn she is friends with Lana, the former cheerleader from his high school whom he briefly dated.

Quote from Niles

Roz: Well, I went to a party once where we each went around the room and confessed our most shameful secret. Except it had to be something that you've never told anyone before.
Niles: Oh, I don't think that's something we really want to get into.
Daphne: No, sounds like fun.
Niles: Okay, I'll go first. Oh, let's see. All right, well, Daphne, you might as well make your acquaintance with my dark side. In fifth grade, there was a bully, Jack Winfield, who was bothering a lot of the girls, so one day I waited for him outside of school and gave him a sound thumping.
Martin: Wasn't that the kid with rickets?
Niles: Rickets and a smart mouth.


Quote from Niles

Frasier: Well, I'm off to pick up Lana.
Niles: You're oddly chipper about it.
Frasier: Well, of course I am, Niles. The sooner I deliver her to the surprise party, the sooner I can cast my net of romance over a butterfly named Claire. You know, I've got a good feeling about this one.
Niles: Oh Frasier, you always have a good feeling. You think it's going to be perfect, and then when she turns out not to be the Kierkegaard-reading, soufflé-baking, haiku-writing cellist, you're disappointed. You have to learn to settle.
Daphne: What does that mean?
Frasier: Have fun, Niles.

Quote from Niles

Frasier: Thanks a lot. I was interested in her.
Niles: Well, how was I supposed to know?
Frasier: I was speaking German!
Niles: Oh, yes, the language of love.

Quote from Frasier

Frasier: Yes, we've already met. Uh, guten tag, Claire.
Claire: I knew I'd recognized your voice. You're on the radio.
Frasier: Yes, yes, well, I'm flattered that you've listened.
Lana: You should have seen him in high school. Do you remember when you petitioned the school to have interpretive dance added to gym class?

Quote from Niles

Lana: So Niles, how's things?
Niles: Things are good.
Lana: Are you married now?
Niles: No, no. I was, but, uh, I'm not now. But I'm going with someone.

Quote from Niles

Martin: What's the matter?
Niles: Oh, Daphne punched me in her sleep last night. Honestly, she is the most aggressive sleeper I have ever known.
Martin: Wow. You being a psychiatrist, you probably think she's acting out some form of repressed hostility towards you, huh?
Niles: That was the furthest thing from my mind... until now.

Quote from Daphne

Niles: "Who Framed Roger Rabbit?"
Daphne: Yeah, it's got everything - action, romance, and humor. I mean, who's funnier than Roger Rabbit?
Niles: No one?
Daphne: Exactly.

Quote from Niles

Roz: Hey, everybody. Am I too late?
Martin: No, you're perfect. We're all hooked up and ready to go.
Roz: Great. I brought "Caddyshack"! Who's funnier than that gopher?
Daphne: Roger Rabbit, that's who-
Martin: Hey, what about my movie, "The Longest Day"? It's got D-Day and the Duke.
Niles: Whoa, that is an embarrassment of riches. Each movie more appealing than the last. Well, perhaps there's a happy compromise in "The Unbearable Lightness of Being."

Quote from Frasier

Frasier: You look lovely tonight.
Lana: Thank you, you look nice too. ... Look, I'm gonna be real direct. We're just two good friends going out for dinner, OK?
Frasier: Of course.
Lana: I only say that because you went a little heavy on the cologne, and I don't want you to have any expectations.
Frasier: I have nothing of the sort. And by the way, it's scented soap.
Lana: I mean, I only accepted because it really sounded like you could really use a night out. I don't want some awkward scene where you try to get in my pants.
Frasier: I assure you, there will be no such scene.
Lana: Good. Unless of course [laughing] I have too much to drink, and I change my mind.

Quote from Frasier

Lana: Aren't we going to Bella Lucia?
Frasier: Well, actually I-I know this little Thai place that I think will be better.
Lana: Well, were you even going to ask me? I hate Thai food! Typical man, "I like Thai food, so she must like Thai food."
Frasier: All right, all right. Bella Lucia it is.

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