Daphne Quote #483

Quote from Daphne in Taking Liberties

Ferguson: Manchester, right?
Daphne: Is it that obvious?
Ferguson: To me it is. My mum's from Manchester. Used to scream her lungs out for United.
Daphne: Is that so? My Uncle Jack once tried to get Bobby Charlton's autograph and Sir Bobby cracked him over the head with a can of lager. Twelve stitches, and he still has the can.


 ‘Taking Liberties’ Quotes

Quote from Daphne

Daphne: You know, you needn't stand on ceremony for Dr. Crane's father. He prefers it if you're more informal.
Ferguson: Oh, that's rather difficult for me. I'm accustomed to formality. Besides, I find it's more professional. It helps draw the line between a family and its servant.
Daphne: Are you referring to Niles and me?
Ferguson: Oh, that's none of my business.
Daphne: No, it's all right. We're together. He told me he'd been in love with me for seven years, and I couldn't help but fall head over heels. It's like a fairy tale.
Ferguson: Seven years? He sounds shy.
Daphne: Oh, he is. He was also married for much of the time.
Ferguson: Mm... but now your prince is free.
Daphne: Almost. He married someone else.
Ferguson: I see.
Daphne: No, you don't understand. Once that divorce goes through, we'll be together forever.
Ferguson: Well, I hope it's moving swiftly through the courts.
Daphne: Oh, he hasn't filed yet. But when his wife thinks the time is right, which is soon, he will. Well, not that she's in charge of us... Oh, look, I've given you the wrong impression.

Quote from Niles

Ferguson: Sherry, Dr. Crane?
Niles: Oh, thank you, Ferguson, but even as we speak I have a bottle of Veuve Clicquot chilling in my apartment. And you know the old caution, "Champagne after sherry makes tummy grow wary."
Ferguson: You have your brother's wit, sir.

Quote from Niles

Niles: [to the barista] Macchiatto. ... Make it a doppio.
Frasier: Niles. Niles, please. Whatever's wrong, the answer doesn't lie at the bottom of an espresso cup.