Frasier Quote #20

Quote from Frasier in Space Quest

Frasier: Let us get something clear. I am not a morning person. I have to ease into my day slowly. First I have my coffee, sans eggshells or anything else one tends to pick out of the garbage. Then I have a low-fat, high-fiber breakfast. Finally, I sit down and read a crisp, new newspaper. If I am robbed of the richness of my morning routine, I cannot function. My radio show suffers and, like ripples in a pond, so do the many listeners that rely on my advice to help them with their troubled lives. I'm sorry that this may sound priggish, but I've grown comfortable with this part of myself. It is the magic that is me.


 ‘Space Quest’ Quotes

Quote from Frasier

Martin: Now, sit down. Your breakfast is ready.
Frasier: No, Dad. Dad, look, all I ever have is a bran muffin and a touch of yogurt.
Martin: Girly food. Besides, I already fixed your breakfast. Now, I made you eggs in a nest.
Frasier: Ah, yes, the Crane family specialty. Fried eggs swimming in fat, served in a hollowed-out piece of white bread. I can almost hear my left ventricle slamming shut as I speak.
Martin: You want cheese on that?
Frasier: No. I'd like to leave some blood flow for the clot to go swiftly to my brain.

Quote from Bulldog

Bulldog: Hey, where the hell's my Cosell tape? Somebody stole my Cosell tape! This stinks. This is total BS! This- Oh, here it is.

Quote from Frasier

Roz: What, you don't talk to your dad like that?
Frasier: Hardly. We hardly speak at all.
Roz: Really?
Frasier: Well, you know, we're not really very similar people. In fact, my brother and I are a lot more like my mother. You know, if it wasn't biologically impossible, I'd swear that Dad was dropped in a basket on our doorstep.