Daphne Quote #212

Quote from Daphne in The Two Mrs. Cranes

Frasier: Clive. Coffee?
Clive: No, thank you. I really should be going.
Daphne: No, no, please. I know what you must think, but we're not what we seem.
Clive: You certainly aren't. Look, I know I'm a guest here, so I've kept silent so far. But I'm sorry, I must speak: you're the most appalling family I've ever met. You, breaking up with your wife over a pair of opera glasses. And you, looking down your nose at me the entire time you were showing off your "posh flat." Well, for your information, mate, I don't think there's anything remotely special about your bathrooms. And you two women, flirting shamelessly with me right in front of your husbands. You having just reconciled with Frasier, and you carrying Niles' baby. Well, I pity your child, Daphne. And I pity any good Manchester girl that comes here to this vile coffee-swilling Sodom and lets it change her like it's changed you.
Daphne: But I haven't changed. Really, we're not the awful people you think we are.
Frasier: No, the truth is we've been lying to you all night!
Daphne: Yes!
Clive: Well, I don't care to be lied to anymore. Goodbye Daphne, Maris, Dr. Crane, Dr. Crane. I'll never understand how two men like you could have been spawned from that sweet, courageous old astronaut.


 ‘The Two Mrs. Cranes’ Quotes

Quote from Martin

Niles: So, now you've met the whole Crane clan.
Clive: Although, Daphne, I noticed in the phone book your surname still is Moon.
Niles: Oh, that must be an old book. Now she hyphenates. It's Moon-Crane.
Martin: I remember the first time I ever drove a moon crane. Damn near rolled it into the Sea of Tranquility.

Quote from Martin

Clive: So, Daphne tells me that you two are both psychiatrists.
Frasier: Yes.
Clive: Fascinating. Are you a psychiatrist as well, Marty?
Martin: Me? No, I'm retired.
Clive: And what'd you do?
Martin: I was an astronaut.
[Niles and Daphne sit down in shock]

Quote from Martin

Martin: So there I was, floating 20 feet up in the chamber, when some idiot turns off the weightless button and down I come on this big pickaxe we used for moon rocks.
Clive: And you still walk with a cane.
Martin: Que Sera Sera. Well, I better turn in, boys.
Frasier: Don't forget your warm glass of Tang.