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It's Hard to Say Goodbye If You Won't Leave

‘It's Hard to Say Goodbye If You Won't Leave’

Season 3, Episode 10 - Aired January 9, 1996

After Frasier realizes he is infatuated with Kate, he plucks up the courage to talk to her about their relationship.

Quote from Frasier

Roz: Frasier, what was that?
Frasier: What was what?
Roz: Call me crazy, but when you were talking to Kate you had this goofy little teenage look on your face. If I didn't know better, I'd swear you got a thing for her.
Frasier: For Kate?
Roz: Mmm-hmm. Look at you. You're flushed.
Frasier: I had Mexican for lunch. It is not lust. It's a Chimichanga.


Quote from Roz

Roz: Oh, my God. I'm sitting on a powder-keg here. You've got a crush on Kate!
Frasier: All right, listen, stop it. Everybody knows you are the biggest gossip in the entire station. Now, you'll be sworn to secrecy.
Roz: I swear I won't tell anyone.
Frasier: No, it doesn't count until you shake my hand.
Roz: Oh, all right. [Frasier take's Roz's hand]
Frasier: Roz, Kate and I...
Roz: Oh, my God! Kate's "Dirty Girl"!
[Roz tries to free her hand, but Frasier refuses to let go]

Quote from Martin

Niles: Writing a letter?
Martin: No, I'm writing my memoirs!

Quote from Frasier

Frasier: Well congratulations. This is a big step for you.
Kate: Thanks. Boy, this was not an easy decision believe me. You never know if you're leaving a place too soon.
Frasier: All I know is that for the time you've been here I've certainly enjoyed having you. Oh, not "having you", you know.
Kate: I know.

Quote from Niles

Martin: [answering the phone] Hello? Niles, no one was mean to you last night. No, if you want to come over, that's great. Yeah, we'd love to see you. OK. Bye.
[The doorbell rings. Frasier answers the door to Niles]
Frasier: Hey, Niles.
Martin: No traffic?

Quote from Martin

Niles: Dad, you sounded lonely so I rented some movies.
Martin: Oh, didn't you know the VCR is broken?
Niles: No subtitles this time.
Martin: Oh, that's right, I got it fixed.

Quote from Frasier

Frasier: Anyway, I think I made my point. What do you think?
[A man walks up behind Kate]
Tony: Kate?
Frasier: More importantly, what do you think? [Frasier slinks off]

Quote from Frasier

Frasier: You know there's so much we don't know about each other.
Kate: Well, ask me. Ask me anything.
Frasier: Oh, I know. What's your favorite color?
Kate: Blue. What's yours?
Frasier: Arctic silver. It's available on all the big BMW's.
Kate: Where's your favorite city?
Frasier: Paris. Museum?
Kate: The Prada. Musical?
Frasier: Candide. Yours?
Kate: Cats!
Frasier: Really?
Kate: Well, I love cats. I have a cat. Would you like to meet Louie?
Frasier: No, no. It's- It's allergies. Allergies. Not really much of a pet person.

Quote from Frasier

Kate: You know, what we can do when you come out? We can go jogging around the lake. Oh, Frasier, the lake is so beautiful. Do you ever jog?
Frasier: Once. In a dark parking lot. When a truck backfired.

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