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It Takes Two to Tangle

‘It Takes Two to Tangle’

Season 8, Episode 17 - Aired March 27, 2001

Frasier and Niles hatch a plan when Martin starts dating a wealthy woman whose charitable foundation could save their old high school, Bryce Academy. Unfortunately, their scheme doesn't count on Martin seeing two different women at once.

Quote from Martin

Martin: Now, remember, be careful what you say in front of Penelope. I've got a delicate balancing act going here, so don't mess it up.
Penelope: Don't mess what up?
Martin: Oh, uh, your lovely living room. My boys really like to rough-house.


Quote from Martin

Martin: Don't get too comfortable, boys, we've gotta leave.
Frasier: What?
Martin: Well, it turns out I had a date with Estelle tonight. She's been waiting a half an hour. It's not like me to screw up like this.
Niles: Well, what about Penelope, Dad? You cannot just walk out on her party.
Martin: Well, hey, Estelle took the evening off special just to be with me, you know, and she's pretty steamed. Rules of the game, angriest woman wins.

Quote from Martin

Martin: Well, I gotta go.
Penelope: Marty, what's wrong?
Martin: Oh, I'm feeling a little under the weather.
Penelope: Oh, well then maybe you ought to see my doctor. He's here at the party.
Martin: No, I don't need a doctor.
Penelope: Those were my husband's last words. Don't move.
Martin: All right, if you insist. [to Frasier] Pull the car around, I'm going out through the kitchen.

Quote from Martin

Martin: [seeing an attractive woman] Hello... Who's that?
Frasier: Dad, for God's sake. Isn't there enough on your plate as it is?
Martin: What can I tell you, Daddy's got a big appetite.

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