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Who Am I?

‘Who Am I?’

Season 7, Episode 5 - Aired October 14, 2002

Ray starts questioning who he is when nothing seems to excite him anymore.

Quote from Marie

Marie: [on Ray's phone] Debra's not here right now. May I take a message? Cindy? All right. All right, dear. Debra went out tonight. And Raymond did, too. Although they went to different places. On a Saturday night. Do you think that seems odd? It seems odd to me. I mean, do you and your husband go to different places? You're not? Oh well, I have another son, Robbie. Oh, I'll tell him you called. All right, dear. Bye-bye.
Debra: [enters] Hi, Marie. Who was that?
Marie: That's for Robbie.


Quote from Marie

Marie: Debra had a good time tonight, too.
Ray: Oh, yeah, that's right. How was it? How'd your thing go?
Debra: Oh, I loved it. He signed my book.
Marie: He.
Debra: Yeah, that's right. Dr. Everett Munce.
Marie: A doctor.

Quote from Marie

Robert: Hey, Ma, you got any food over at the house?
Marie: Why?
Robert: We're kind of starving. I thought maybe you could make something for me and Gianni.
Gianni: I've been thinking of you in an apron all night, Mrs. B.
Marie: Well, I do have food, but don't you need me here?
Ray: I don't think so.
Marie: Oh, all right. I'm right across the street if you need to talk, Ray. And remember... I love you.
Ray: You're on my foot.

Quote from Debra

Ray: What's that? What's with my mother?
Debra: Oh, she's just flipping out 'cause we didn't go out together tonight.
Ray: Why? You having an affair with the bookstore guy?
Debra: Yeah. He's 60 years old, has one eye, and smells of the jungle.
Ray: Yeah, that's how you like it.
Debra: That's right.

Quote from Ray

Debra: I thought you could go out with the guys again.
Ray: Oh, yeah. Yeah, great. Great.
Debra: What's the matter, Ray?
Ray: Oh, nothing. Hmm.
Debra: Ray, what is it?
Ray: Nothing. It's... I don't know. Going out with the guys... I mean, it was great. It was fun. Really, really fun.
Debra: But?
Ray: It wasn't so much fun. I don't know. I mean, something about it... Something was missing.
Debra: What do you mean? You mean me?
Ray: No.

Quote from Ray

Debra: Listen, listen, listen! Come to the lecture with me on Saturday.
Ray: No. What?
Debra: Oh, no, wait. Listen. That's what adults do. They use their head, and they think. Oh, you're gonna like this. You're ready for this. You are a mature adult.
Ray: Okay. It would be kind of cool to see a guy with one eye.

Quote from Ray

Ray: Boy, this is fun. It's like high school, only now I've had sex with the girl who sits next to me.

Quote from Marie

Marie: Ray, what's the matter?
Ray: Nothing. Nothing, nothing. I got poked in the eye. You know how wild it can get in a bookstore.
Debra: It's not funny, Ray.
Ray: I fell asleep. The guy was droning on and on, and I fell asleep.
Marie: So he hit you?
Ray: No. She did.
Debra: I had to wake you up!
Marie: When I wanted to wake Raymond up, I would stroke his hair and gently kiss his forehead.
Ray: That's how you do it.

Quote from Ray

Frank: Come on. Trust me. You're gonna thank me for this. Hurry up. You're letting the steam out.
Garvin: Hey, Ray's here! [cheers]
Stan: It's the sportswriter.
Frank: Welcome to the Inner Sanctum.
Ray: Yeah. Hi, guys. I'd shake your hands, but I don't want you dropping those towels.
Stan: Put that in your column, sportswriter.
Frank: Ray's been going through a rough patch, so I brought him here to sweat that puss off his face.
Garvin: Let me turn up the steam for you, Ray.
Ray: No, don't get up. Don't get up. No, please. Nobody move, okay? Just pretend that I'm not here, okay, 'cause that's what I'm doing.

Quote from Ray

Garvin: Sit down, Ray. Take a load off. Hey, sit right here, Ray. That's O'Neal's place, but you can sit there. He's dead.
Frank: Ah, I love the lodge. We play some cards, we get something to eat, we come in here and relax. What more could you ask for?
Max: Hair.
Stan: Yeah, I could ask for hair. Oy.
Ray: Oh, man, how long can you guys stay in here?
Albert: Well, the record is four hours and 10 minutes.
Ray: By who?
Albert: O'Neal.

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