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The Home

‘The Home’

Season 9, Episode 1 - Aired September 20, 2004

Frank and Marie announce that they are moving to a retirement community.

Quote from Ray

Debra: Wow.
Ray: Yeah. Wow.
Debra: Wow!
Ray: Wowie wowie wowie wowie wow!
Ray: 85 minutes! 85 minutes!
Debra: I know. 85 minutes. It's my new favorite number.
Ray: Wait, it could even be more if you count traffic.
Debra: Traffic? We have never had traffic between us. Traffic! Ooh.
Ray: Although it would be weird. I mean, they've always been right across the street. I can't imagine them not being there. Actually, I can.
Debra: Me too.
Ray: Shake it, shake it, shake it, shake it.


Quote from Marie

Robert: Wait a minute. You're actually thinking about giving up a house that you've lived in for almost 50 years? You're sure you don't want to try to just, you know, finish things up here?
Marie: Actually, we... We discussed what to do with the house too. Didn't we, Frank?
Frank: Yep.
Marie: If we do move, Robert, we want you and Amy to take the house.
Robert: What?
Frank: Hey, take it easy. We wouldn't just give it away. We'd sell it to you.
Marie: We'd sell it for the price that we paid... $26,000.

Quote from Ray

Amy: Wait till you hear the best part.
Robert: We get the house.
Debra: What?
Amy: Our own house!
Ray: You get the house?
Robert: We get the house. $26,000.
Ray: Wh- Wh- Why do you get that?
Debra: What do you care, Ray?
Ray: $26,000.
Debra: 85 minutes.
Ray: Yeah, you're right!

Quote from Frank

Marie: The kids seem pretty shaken up.
Frank: Yeah.
Marie: I feel bad.
Frank: How are we gonna break it to them that we already signed the lease?
Marie: I don't want it to feel like we're running out on them. I mean, they should tell us to go. It should come from them.
Frank: How are you gonna get them to do that?
Marie: Well, just let me do the talking.
Frank: That should make them want us to go.
Marie: Oh, you. It's exciting, isn't it, Chi-Chi?

Quote from Marie

Marie: It's it's not easy to think about.
Ray: You got that right.
Debra: Mmm.
Robert: It is a painful time.
Marie: We really enjoyed this weekend, more than we have in a long time. Maybe it's not the right time to make such a big change.
Ray: You know, Mom there's nothing wrong with you doing something for yourself once in a while.
Debra: Yes, you are always thinking of everyone else.
Robert: You give, give, and then you give some more.
Amy: Yes, and you too, Frank.
Marie: It has always been about others.
Frank: So what do you think, Marie?
Marie: Okay, let's do it.

Quote from Robert

Ray: Hey.
Robert: Aw, look, honey, our neighbors have stopped by.
Ray: Howdy, neighbor.
Robert: Howdy, neighbor.

Quote from Robert

Debra: Wow, look at this place.
Amy: Yeah. You okay?
Debra: Yeah, I guess it's it's it's all just hitting me. It's really happening, huh?
Robert: Oh, yeah. No kidding it's happening. I got some party hats and noisemakers. See that? Got the champagne in the fridge. [to Ray] Buh-buh-buh my chair!
Ray: What's with you?
Debra: I just haven't been over here since they packed. Weird, isn't it?
Ray: Yeah. Closing day at the mental institution.
Robert: Yep. Final clearance all crazies must go.

Quote from Debra

Debra: It's just that now that it's actually happening, I feel...
Ray: Like ruining everything?
Debra: Sad. I'm gonna miss them. They're my family.
Amy: Oh, well, of course. We all feel that.
Robert: Yeah, sure.
Ray: No, of course. They're like family.
Debra: It's... You know, I mean, I've spent more time with them than anyone over the last 10 years. Ray, you go to work every day, and you guys see them a couple times a week. I've been with them every day morning, noon, and night.
Robert: That's why you should be dancing around naked in a fountain.
Debra: I know, I know. It's just... It's just all happening so quick, you know? It's like, boom! "See ya, bye." Oh, gosh.
Ugh, I don't know. I'm always looking for the worst in Marie, and I just shouldn't.

Quote from Robert

Amy: Deb, I see what you're saying.
Robert: No, you don't. It's one thing to be sad, okay? I'm all for sad... after they're gone and after the party.
All right? I'm sorry, Debra, but my mom is in a very emotional state right now, and your sudden insanity just might make her stay. I bought this house fair and square. $26,000 for a house!

Quote from Debra

Debra: I'm just having feelings.
Ray: Well, we all have those, but there's a time to express them and a time to just keep that crap inside.
Debra: Look, it's just I always thought that Marie and I would one day learn to, you know, get along. I cannot just let her leave and say nothing.
Ray: Get her.
Robert: Stay where you are.
Debra: Get out of my way, Robert.
Robert: All right.

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