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The Checkbook

‘The Checkbook’

Season 2, Episode 16 - Aired February 2, 1998

When Debra makes Ray take care of the bills for once, he screws up and needs to borrow money from Robert.

Quote from Ray

Ray: All right, you're good with numbers. Here. Take a look at this stuff. I paid all these bills. There's no reason they should be sending me mean letters.
Andy: Well, here's a reason. Your check bounced.
Ray: What?
Andy: Wow. You bounced many checks here. You bounced 14 checks, and you were charged $300 in penalties. Excellent work.
Ray: What do you mean? I sent these checks myself.
Andy: Checks that didn't clear, Ray. You might as well have sent little pieces of toilet paper.
Ray: But I make more than enough money.
Andy: Well, mazel tov to you. You're $3,000 overdrawn here. You didn't even open up your bank statement.
Ray: I trusted the bank.
Andy: You didn't reconcile your checkbook.
Ray: Huh?


Quote from Andy

Andy: You have to keep track. Give me that! What did you do here? Why did you pay so much on your Visa card?
Ray: Because I'm not going to pay interest charges. You pay in full, no interest charges.
Andy: That is smart. No money left, either. Look at this. Debra had everything in order.
Ray: Yeah, yeah, Debra, Debra, Debra. All right. I'm sick of this money stuff.
Andy: Just tell me what I have to do. All right. First, you got to take last month's ending balance. Then you add the interest accrued on the account. Then you add all the checks that we know have cleared and then you subtract that number from... Ray, what did I just say to you?
Ray: "Accrued."
Andy: All right, Ray, you had your little fun with mommy's checkbook. Now it's time to give it back to her.
Ray: No. I'm not giving it back to her. Then she's gonna know I couldn't do this.
Andy: Well, she may get an inkling when they cut off your power and tow away your house.
Ray: I don't get it. Look at this. How can it be this bad? It's only been six weeks.
Andy: That's what so shocking.

Quote from Ray

Andy: Ray, you need to put $3,000 in the bank and you're gonna have to tell Debra about this.
Ray: No, I can't.
Andy: Eventually she's gonna see that checkbook.
Ray: You're right. I got to do the smart thing.
Andy: Good.
Ray: I'll make a fake checkbook.

Quote from Ray

Debra: Like that shade?
Ray: Very nice.
Debra: Look at this. Toes. Just a little bit darker than the nails. That's what the woman said was in now.
Ray: What, did you go to the beauty parlor?
Debra: Salon, Grandpa. Yes. And it was great.
Ray: What do they charge for that?
Debra: $20.
Ray: $20? That's like a buck a nail.

Quote from Robert

Ray: Let me ask you something. Remember when you told me that moving in with mom and dad was gonna help you put money away? How's that going for you?
Robert: You're not moving in with us, Raymond.
Ray: What?
Robert: We have a very delicate ecosystem over there.
Ray: I'm not asking to move in, all right? I'm asking about the money part. How's that going?
Robert: Good. I'm saving a little.
Ray: Yeah. Good. I mean, it's smart. A lot of people make fun of a man who lives with his parents but they don't see the upside to that. I mean, it's the financial security.
Robert: That's exactly right. Thank you.
Ray: I envy you, you know, 'cause you're kind of set. Matter of fact, I was gonna ask you if could borrow a little money.
Robert: Oh.
Ray: Just a quick loan.
Robert: Wait. Let's not go too quick here. So, you need my help.

Quote from Robert

Robert: Gambling?
Ray: No.
Robert: Raymond, you're not... [taps nose]
Ray: I'm not doing cocaine, Robert.
Robert: I'm gonna give you a phone number.
Ray: Robert, it's not-
Robert: Just call the number.
Ray: I'm having a little trouble paying this month's bills, that's all.
Robert: Debra know?
Ray: I want to keep Debra out of this.
Robert: You get a lady in trouble?
Ray: No.
Robert: Listen, you can level with me. I'm your brother. You screwed up.

Quote from Ray

Robert: Well, then, why can't Debra find out?
Ray: Because...
Robert: She's the one with the problem?
Ray: Yep.
Robert: Oh, she's not going nuts with the credit cards, is she? I've seen it before. Compulsive shopping. Rip a family apart.
Ray: Yeah, I know. She feels bad about it already, so let's just...
Robert: Wow!
Ray: Yeah.
Robert: I had no idea she was like this.
Ray: It was a surprise to me.
Robert: You know what she needs? She needs to get her self-worth back. She should get a job and earn back part of that money.
Ray: I thought of that, and then I started thinking, "What about the kids?" I mean, they need their mother.

Quote from Ray

Ray: So, what do you think? Can you help us?
Robert: Sure. Of course. $3,000 enough?
Ray: Yeah, it's good.
Robert: What about you, Ray? How you doing? Do you need anything?
Ray: No, no, no. I'm fine. You know, this isn't about me.

Quote from Marie

Marie: ls there anything you want to tell us?
Ray: No. Like what?
Frank: Like, how come there's a $3,000 check in there?
Ray: Robert!
Marie: Why are you taking money from your brother?
Ray: Keep it down.
Marie: Why didn't you just come to us? I would love to help Debra with her problem.
Ray: He told you about that?
Marie: At least he talks to his mother.

Quote from Frank

Ray: I don't want Debra to hear this.
Marie: Well, maybe Debra should hear. I see the way she dresses. And takes these little trips to the mall so that "the kids can get out." How long has she been out of control?
Ray: Not that long.
Marie: Doesn't she handle your checkbook?
Ray: No. Not anymore.
Frank: That's good. Cut her off cold turkey. You don't give a boozer the key to the liquor cabinet.

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