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The Angry Family

‘The Angry Family’

Season 6, Episode 1 - Aired September 24, 2001

Michael writes a story for school about an angry family who are always yelling at each other.

Quote from Frank

Frank: How many more before Michael?
Marie: Shh!
Frank: 40 minutes already!
Marie: Quiet!
Gracie: "And his mommy put the cream on, and he felt better." The end.
Eileen: Thank you, Gracie. That was a wonderful and very imaginative story. And now we have Ian.
Frank: Oh, crap.
Ian: "Escape from the Blue Planet."
Robert: Finally, science fiction.
Ian: "The rocket ship landed on the blue planet that was filled with water."
Marie: You don't think this is nice? You know, they wrote these all by themselves.
Frank: No kidding.
Ian: "And the rocket got stuck, but the pilot had some extra gas."
Frank: He's not the only one.


Quote from Frank

Marie: Well, I can't go there anymore. The looks I was getting... I've never gotten looks like that in my life.
Frank: You oughta watch me more.

Quote from Robert

Robert: I'm writing my own book.
Ray: Get out.
Robert: That's the title.

Quote from Ray

Debra: Michael, could you come in here, please?
Ray: Be careful what you say.
Debra: Don't worry.
Ray: He writes it down.
Debra: Sweetie, I just want to ask you something. Do you think that your family is "The Angry Family"? It's okay, honey, you can tell us. Ray, you wanna...
Ray: Nope. I loved your story, Michael. Said Daddy.

Quote from Ray

Debra: What is wrong with you?
Ray: What? Hey, if you were on top of stuff, you coulda stopped the story from leakin' out.
Debra: I am on top of stuff! What do you do, huh? Look, those stories were supposed to be a surprise for the parents.
Ray: A surprise for the parents? I think the surprise is, you get to the school and there's an open bar. No, this was like an ambush.

Quote from Debra

Eileen: You know, we do have counselors. Father Hubley is very good.
Ray: No, no, that's the last thing that we need.
Eileen: Why do you say that?
Ray: Because then everybody's talkin' about it...
Debra: Look, what are you... Why do you have to be so close-minded? You see, this is the attitude.
Ray: I'm not close-minded.
Debra: Uch, what are you doing right now? This is who you are. Why can't you just talk about things, huh? Talk!

Quote from Marie

Marie: Yes, I do feel that the anger sometimes gets out of control. I feel it whenever I come into the house.
Ray: There is a solution.
Marie: I don't understand. I am there in a loving, nurturing capacity, as is my wont.
Amy: Well, then, maybe we should ask ourselves, "Where could the anger in this family be coming from?"
[Marie tilts her head and shifts her eyes towards Debra]
Debra: No, all right. I am not gonna... I do not want to sit here!
Ray: No, no, no. Stop, stop.
Debra: I'm fine. My apologies.

Quote from Ray

Father Hubley: Well... thank you, everybody... for a lovely morning. Believe it or not, I do understand the pressures and tensions of raising a family in today's world. But I think this particular family compounds the problem by maybe being a bit too close to each other constantly, like ping-pong balls pounding and hitting off each other... in the lottery machine. Except... nobody wins in this one, least of all, the children, which is what I got from this book. So it's not about you... or you... or you... or you... Or even Raymond, today. It's about this little guy... and this sweet, simple way of maybe... giving you a message.
[Frank gets out a handkerchief to wipe his tears. Marie takes it and rubs her eyes. Debra takes it off Marie and rubs her eyes. As Debra goes to pass it to Ray, he sends it back down the line.]
Father Hubley: Now... we have these parenting books that you might want to take a look at...
Debra: I'll try one.
Marie: Oh, I'll take one.
Ray: We'll take 'em all, we'll take 'em all.
Frank: Give me one. They're not all for you.
Ray: Relax, Dad. You're gonna get one!

Quote from Robert

Ray: "Center chair." It's my kitchen. Get your own kitchen.
Robert: There you go, you see, because I only have a kitchenette, and he loves it! Right, "rub it in" Raymond? No house for me. No wife, no kids, no lawn, no nothin'!

Quote from Frank

Eileen: Michael? It's your turn.
Frank: Thank God. We go after this.
Michael: "The Angry Family."

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