Ray Quote #578

Quote from Ray in The Article

Ray: But with Andy, I was very nice. I was very understanding, very patient. And then he embarrasses me by crying.
Debra: You made him cry?! Ray!
Ray: He wasn't crying crying. He was just kind of breathing hard and shuddering. Everybody's looking at us.
Debra: Oh, I'm so sorry you had to sit next to your crying friend.
Ray: Listen, it's a lot harder to watch the person in pain than it is to be the person in pain.
Debra: You said that to me when I was in labor.
Ray: You were screaming. I'm surprised you heard that.


 ‘The Article’ Quotes

Quote from Debra

Debra: Come on, admit it. You're a little self-centered.
Ray: Self-centered?!
Debra: Yeah, all you can see is how this news affects you. And can I tell you something? This isn't just with Andy.
Ray: Where is this coming from?
Debra: It's coming from those of us orbiting around you.
Ray: You think I'm self-centered? Me? Me? Me?!

Quote from Frank

Marie: You're the one who's self-centered. I slave over those muffins and you don't even have the decency to eat it because they're not sliced right!
Frank: How about you? I got to eat my muffin your way!
Robert: I'll eat the muffin.
Marie: No, you go upstairs and get your brother a blue toothbrush. They're not all for you!
Robert: Oh, what are you saying? I'm self-centered now?
Frank: You? Definitely! "I can't buy clothes where normal people buy clothes!" "I need my own apartment." "Everyone shoots at me!"

Quote from Frank

Ray: Hey, we're out of milk.
Marie: Help yourself. You want to hear the latest? Your father wants to shave his head.
Ray: Why don't you just stick your head out the car window?
Frank: Where's my razor?
Marie: Oh, sit down. We do not shave our heads in this house.
Frank: It's my house and my head!
Marie: I'm not going to be seen with you like that.
Frank: Another advantage!
Marie: I'm hiding all the razors.
Ray: You're not going to shave your head.
Frank: Of course not. I just want to read the paper.