Marie Quote #119

Quote from Marie in The Letter

Marie: All right, I've heard enough.
Ray: Mom.
Marie: "Dear Debra."
Ray: Oh, Ma, not another letter, please.
Marie: I'm intrusive? Debra's not the only one who can throw around fancy words. Where's my dictionary?


 ‘The Letter’ Quotes

Quote from Frank

Marie: We have no secrets in this family. Keep reading, Frank.
Frank: With pleasure. "Just because we are family, and happen also to be neighbors does not give you the right to constantly interfere in every aspect of my life..." [Frank laughs, covers it with a cough] "...from raising my children to my choice of liquid fabric softener."
Ray: I want you guys to know right now that Debra has a drinking problem.
Marie: Keep reading.
Ray: Come on, Dad.
Frank: Stop it. "I'm sure you don't even realize when you're being overbearing, critical, and intrusive." ls this a petition? Where do I sign?

Quote from Debra

Debra: Ray, I can't keep blaming her for everything if I've never been honest with her and I have never actually told her how she makes me feel when she does the things she does.
Ray: But you don't put that in writing! Oh, no, no! If it's in writing, then you can't deny it! You can't say things like: "You didn't hear me right," or, "l didn't say that. You must have misunderstood" because there it is in writing!
Debra: You know, if it were up to you, you'd have me do nothing.
Ray: Hey, let's not underestimate nothing.
Debra: Ray, I'm not spending the rest of my life this way with your mother saying she's sorry that you ever married me.
Ray: What? She's never said that!
Debra: She doesn't have to say it to say it. Everything she does says it.
Ray: Like what?
Debra: Like when she rewashes the kids' clothes.
Ray: Okay.
Debra: And then she rewashes the kids.
Ray: Look, all that stuff my mom does, that's how she helps.
Debra: No, no, Ray. That's how she criticizes. Only good can come from this letter, and I'm doing it.

Quote from Frank

Debra: Hey. Did you guys happen to get the...
Robert: Mail? Oh, yeah.
Debra: Ray, did everybody read that?
Frank: You're my favorite writer.