Robert Quote #513

Quote from Robert in The Bigger Person

Robert: You know, they say you should never go to bed mad. Well, I say, it'd be even worse to go the Big Bed mad. Hmm? [Marie looks away] All right, Ma, there's something you should know. And I'm only saying this 'cause I don't wanna see you on the roof.


 ‘The Bigger Person’ Quotes

Quote from Robert

Debra: What is it, Robert?
Robert: Well, maybe it's just me, but I'm of the opinion that a man should be more concerned about his family's well-being than figuring out a way to get his wife to let him go on a week-long golf retreat to Myrtle Beach.
Debra: What golf retreat?
Robert: Come on, you haven't noticed he's been dropping hints like crazy? Maybe that's because you're too busy running around gassing up his car, drinking wine, and having to... do things because of the wine.
Debra: Robert, all l-
Robert: Wake up, sis! Dad and Raymond have a laundry list of stuff they're trying to get out of you two! They're exploiting the situation, they're playing you two against each other, they're laughing at you, and it's making me sick! But if it doesn't bother you...

Quote from Robert

Robert: Come on, you know this fight has gone on long enough. I bet you can't even remember why you were mad at each other in the first place.
Debra: Why? Because your mother is condescending, overbearing, patronizing-
Robert: Okay.
Debra: Manipulative.
Robert: Okay, the "why's" are not important. But what is important is to remember that life is short. You know how they always say you should never go to bed mad? Well, I say it'd be even worse to go to the "Big Bed" mad. Hmm?

Quote from Frank

Ray: Ma wasn't too happy that you're here, Dad.
Frank: Good, she's getting the message. I came over here because the omelet she made me this morning was half-assed.
Robert: You're here to punish Ma? I think that's terrible.
Frank: No, I'll tell you what's terrible. A salami omelet that's skimpy on the salami.