Marie Quote #451

Quote from Marie in Jealous Robert

Robert: How can this help out any relationship? This is sick! It's sick!
Debra: Sorry, Robert. We didn't mean it to go this far.
Robert: Oh, really? How was it supposed to go, huh?
Marie: Well, I'll tell you. Back when your father and I were seeing each other, he found out that I had a date with a man called Chuck Pecorella. And Frank came running back to me. It was so sweet. It was the first time he ever expressed his true emotions.
Ray: Yeah, Ma, those were his true emotions 'cause it wasn't a scheme. It just happened.
Marie: Don't be naive, Raymond.
Ray: What? What do you mean?
Marie: Chuck Pecorella was gay.
Ray: What?
Marie: Your father didn't need to know that. All he needed to know was what he was feeling.


 ‘Jealous Robert’ Quotes

Quote from Frank

Frank: You know, this knob is nothing. I was once so jealous over your mother that I put my fist through a DeSoto.
Ray: You punched a car?
Frank: Yeah. Your mother and I were still dating when she started to turn the screws on me to get engaged. But there was still plenty of fish in the sea, and I wasn't ready to hang up my tackle box. Then I hear through the grapevine she's gonna make dinner for Chuck Pecorella. Long story short, I spent the night in the hospital trying to pull his headlight out of my knuckle.
Ray: You got that way over mom?
Frank: Yeah. I don't know. When your mother cooks, it's something... What do you call it? Special. I didn't want her doing that for some other guy. They stitched up my hand. I went straight to her house and from then on, she cooks only for me.
Ray: Wow. I didn't know that's how it all started. That's a nice story, Dad.
Frank: Yeah, I don't like to tell it 'cause it doesn't have a happy ending.

Quote from Marie

Ray: I'm telling Robert.
Debra: Wait a minute. Let me ask you something. You want Robert to be alone for the rest of his life?
Ray: No, but still...
Debra: Don't you think Robert deserves to be happy and to have a family?
Ray: Yes, but it's just supposed to happen. You're evil. I'm telling Robert.
Marie: You hold it right there, Raymond. Years ago, I gave birth to two beautiful boys and I wanted nothing more than to see them grow up, get married, and give me grandchildren. Now, if you want to take that dream away from me, by all means, you go and tell that to Robert. And I'll just be back across the street living out the rest of my life as best I can with a hole in my heart.

Quote from Frank

Frank: All right. The knob's fixed. But go easy on it, 'cause it ain't giant-proof.
Robert: I think I'm going to go home and work my way through a carton of Ho-Hos.
Marie: You know what, dear? Tomorrow maybe you and I can pick up Amy and drop by Robert's apartment, and then the four of us can work this whole thing out.
Robert: You stay away from me... women! I'm starting to think maybe Chuck Pecorella has the right idea.
Frank: What? Chuck Pecorella?
Marie: Never mind, Frank.
Frank: That guy owes me. I'm serving his life sentence!