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Prodigal Son

‘Prodigal Son’

Season 4, Episode 14 - Aired January 31, 2000

Ray is upset when Ally draws a picture of him in hell because he doesn't go to church.

Quote from Ray

Debra: Honey, show Daddy your picture.
Ray: Oh, did you draw this? That's beautiful. You're quite the little artist.
Debra: Tell Daddy what it is.
Ray: No, no, no, let me guess. Uh, that's a big orange wall.
Ally: It's fire.
Ray: Fire, yes, of course, it's fire. It's a big wall of fire, and that must be the fireman.
Debra: Actually, Ally told me it's a picture of hell.
Ray: You mean heck, right? Right, Ally?
Ray: So is that the devil?
Ally: Nope, it's you.


Quote from Ray

Ray: Me? I-l I'm- Why am I in heck, sweetie?
Ally: Because that's what Grandpa said.
Ray: Grandpa said that? Grandpa told you that I'm going to heck?
Ally: He said hell.
Ray: Really? Why did Grandpa say that?
Ally: 'Cause you don't go to church.
Ray: Grandpa said that? Where were you?
Debra: I was in church.
Ray: Okay, I'm gonna go across the street, 'cause if I'm going to go to heck, I'm taking him with me.

Quote from Ray

Ray: Hey, you really think that I'm going to hell?
Frank: I try not to think about it.
Ray: Look, I don't care what you think, all right? I don't want you talking to my kids about this anymore. You got that?
Frank: Since when do you give me orders?
Ray: Since you crossed over the line!

Quote from Frank

Ray: Dad told Ally that I am going to hell.
Marie: Frank!
Frank: He never goes to Mass, Marie! It's an open-and-shut case.
Ray: You see? You see, Ma?
Marie: You should go to Mass, Raymond.
Ray: I don't wanna go!
Marie: Why do you hurt me?
Ray: Look, I don't mean to hurt you, Ma.
Frank: Stop hurting your mother! Go to church!

Quote from Ray

Debra: So why don't you go to mass?
Ray: Come on, look, it's not like I never go, right? And you go all the time, and according to this married thing, we are one.
Debra: Okay. No, I'm not trying to make a big thing. I was just thinking about you and your father, and, you know, why you got so angry about it.
Ray: Because it's none of his business!
Debra: Why don't you go to church?
Ray: I don't know. It's because of the kneeling, really. It's just, you know, I have bad knees.
Debra: You know, God can hear you right now.
Ray: Let me finish. All right? That's not the only reason, that's one of them.

Quote from Ray

Ray: You know, a lot of people would have made fun of that plumber, okay? Big Muppet-eye guy.

Quote from Frank

Frank: What are you doing here?
Ray: Nothing, just going to church.
Frank: How come?
Ray: I just felt like it.
Frank: Yeah, well, we don't need you part-timers dropping by whenever you feel like it. Screws up the parking.
Ray: I'm thinking of making this a regular thing.
Frank: Yeah, right.
Ray: No, I'm serious.

Quote from Frank

Frank: You wanna come every Sunday?
Ray: Do they have it every Sunday? Yeah, every Sunday.
Frank: Yeah, until your mother's guilt wears off.
Ray: No, no, it wasn't her. Look, you wanna know the truth? It was you. I wanna set an example for my kids. You know, like you did.
Frank: What are you, being a wise guy?
Ray: No, I mean it.
Frank: Oh, yeah?
Ray: Yeah.
Frank: Look at you. Us Barones, we clean up pretty good, eh?

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