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Debra's Workout

‘Debra's Workout’

Season 4, Episode 8 - Aired November 15, 1999

Debra starts taking an aerobics class.

Quote from Ray

Robert: So how come you're becoming so popular?
Ray: I don't know. Just happening.
Gianni: What, are you doing something different? You talking to her more? Paying more attention to her?
Ray: No.
Andy: Maybe it's your technique. Have you learned some new moves?
Ray: No. Moves? What do I got? I got fast-forward and the stall.
Gianni: Well, you've got to be doing something different.
Ray: No, although the only thing I can think of, I got this pulled muscle in my rib cage, you know? So lately, everything I do I'm favoring my left side.
Gianni: So?
Ray: I don't know. Maybe I'm just like accentuating some emphasis at a different angle.


Quote from Robert

Robert: Maybe she just doesn't want you playing golf.
Ray: What do you mean?
Robert: Think about it, Ray. She's jealous. She hates when you play golf. She'll do anything to stop it. Even if it means having sex with you.
Andy: That's it, he's right!
Ray: No, that's not it. That's not- What about Tuesday and Thursday?
Andy: That's probably part of her plan. "I'll have sex with him Tuesday and Thursday and he'll be none the wiser."
Ray: Yeah. Sorry. That's not it, all right? It's the new action.
Gianni: Yeah, right. Hey Robert, do me a favor, I might get lucky tonight. Punch me in the ribs.

Quote from Debra

Debra: You know what I was thinking? Why don't you make it up to the guys tomorrow?
Ray: Yeah, all right. What do you mean?
Debra: Go golfing tomorrow.
Ray: You you want me to go golfing tomorrow?
Debra: I mean, you did kind of ruin their plans today. You should go golfing. I'll take the kids to the park.
Ray: Oh, you're the best! [sings] Going golfing tomorrow! [talks] I'm gonna go watch the news.
Debra: Okay. [kisses Ray]
Ray: That's the same kiss from this morning.
Debra: Oh?
Ray: No?
Debra: Why not?
Ray: Yes! Why not! [jumps up an down] Oh, you're really liking me a lot this week. I'll be in the bedroom.
Debra: Okay, don't start without me.

Quote from Ray

Ray: Hey, what's this thing here?
Debra: [o.s.] What?
Ray: This thing with the muscle man on it.
Debra: Oh, that's from my gym. That's my new aerobics instructor.
Ray: Nick Bronson. Does that guy teach or does he just model?
Debra: No, no, he's really great. As a matter of fact, I took his class three times this week.
Ray: Three times?
Debra: Yeah, Tuesday, Thursday, and this morning. [Ray looks at the flyer again] So?
Ray: Oh. Yeah, I don't know. Actually my ribs are bothering me.

Quote from Robert

Ray: How long is the mirror in your apartment?
Robert: Ma is sewing up my uniform. Left pant leg got all shredded on a call. These damn people with raccoons as pets! Never works out.

Quote from Robert

Ray: Listen, Robert.
Robert: Yeah.
Ray: Do you ever- Do you ever have a hamburger, and the whole time you're eating it you're imagining that it's a steak?
Robert: I have. Yes, I have. [Ray hands Robert the flyer] Who's this?
Ray: That's the steak.
Robert: What?
Ray: I think this guy is the reason that I'm having more sex.
Robert: Look, before we go any further I'd like to put my pants on.

Quote from Frank

Frank: Here, your pants are holding up my eggs.
Marie: Oh, Frank, I still need to iron these!
Frank: Why don't you sew a diaper in there while you're at it too?

Quote from Robert

Frank: Holy crap!
Robert: That's Debra's aerobics instructor. She watches him flex all around and then she goes home all inspired.
Ray: Why do you do that? Why do you tell Mom and Dad things like that, huh? My personal things. Why, why, why, why?
Robert: Brings us closer.

Quote from Robert

Frank: Hey, this is a good-looking guy! [off Robert's look] What? He's like a gladiator. Come on, Robert. You can't say this isn't a handsome man.
Robert: Ma, please. I really need my pants.

Quote from Ray

Ray: Are we gonna do 40 minutes of this? Really? Come on.
Debra: Ray, would you be quiet. Why don't you just wait for me outside?
Ray: I can't believe you pay money for this. You know, we got a flight of stairs at home.
Debra: Ray, would you shush?

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