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Season 8, Episode 20 - Aired May 3, 2004

Ray learns that Debra doesn't keep much to herself about their relationship.

Quote from Amy

Marie: I must say, Amy, before you came into the family, we were all just open with each other. We'd say whatever was on our mind. And now we have to tiptoe around your feelings.
Ray: That's not fair, Amy.
Frank: Yeah, Amy, see what you did? [Amy cries] Ah, Jeez. There she goes again.
Ray: Robert, get in there.
Amy: I don't know what I did wrong. I was brought up to be nice. I never say anything bad about anybody. What do you people want?! All I ever wanted to do was to fit into this family.
Marie: Oh, honey. You do fit in.
Debra: I hate to say it, Amy, but you do.
Ray: Yeah, I'm sorry about that stuff I said about you and Robert. You definitely have a chance in hell.
Amy: Thank you, Ray. And that was a nice haircut.
Ray: Thanks. I switched barbers.


Quote from Amy

Marie: Aw, you see, Amy? You do have a place in our family. And we will always have a place for you.
Robert: Here you go, sweetie. [rubs Amy's neck]
Amy: Robert, I have to speak up. You're killing me.
Frank: Women, they're never satisfied.

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