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Everybody Hates the Ninth-Grade Dance

‘Everybody Hates the Ninth-Grade Dance’

Season 3, Episode 20 - Aired May 4, 2008

Chris doesn't know how he will find a date for the ninth grade dance as everyone in his neighborhood said no and he can't imagine asking anyone at school. Meanwhile, Rochelle is delighted when Tonya asks to do ballet, and Julius's brother Ryan (Tony Rock) arrives with anohter business idea.

Quote from Drew

Mechanic: Well, seems like it's in pretty good shape, except for one thing. This car has been underwater.
Ryan: Underwater?
Mechanic: Yup.
Julius: Well, can you fix it?
Ryan: Yeah, but it's gonna cost you about $900.
Drew: What?! $900? We could take the parts out and sell them and get more than we bought it for.
Mechanic: Did anybody ask you?


Quote from Chris

Chris: Hey, Carrie, can I talk to you for a minute?
Carrie: Sure.
Chris: I've been thinking about this dance.
Carrie: Me, too. I don't even know what I'm gonna wear. What about you? What are you wearing?
Chris: Nothing. 'Cause I'm not going.
Adult Chris: [v.o.] When we come back, I'm gonna make matters worse by hitting her with a bucket of blood.

Quote from Julius

Rochelle: Oh, baby, I forgot to tell you, Tonya's taking ballet lessons.
Julius: Ballet? How much does that cost?
Adult Chris: [v.o.] Too, too much.
Rochelle: You're supposed to say, "Oh, baby, that's great! Good luck!"
Julius: Oh, baby, that's great. Good luck. How much?
Rochelle: Not much, I just had to buy her an outfit and a few other things.

Quote from Drew

Rochelle: Well, what happened with you and Ryan?
Julius: Nothing.
Drew: Hey, Ma, did Dad tell you about the car that we bought that was dragged out of the river?
Rochelle: What?
Adult Chris: [v.o.] Note to self: when doing wrong, leave Drew at home.
Rochelle: So you bought a car?
Julius: It's a long story.
Rochelle: No, it's not. All you had to do was say, "Baby, I bought a car."

Quote from Chris

Julius: Hey, man. Did you find a girl to take to the dance?
Chris: Yep.
Rochelle: Oh, that's great. Did you find an outfit to wear?
Adult Chris: [v.o.] Do you have something in a white-skin?
Chris: I'm not going.
Rochelle: Why not?
Chris: 'Cause... no one wants to see me go with a White girl.
Adult Chris: [v.o.] Not even blind people.
Rochelle: Aren't you gonna say something?
Adult Chris: [v.o.] I guess, "Whew! That was a close one" would be the wrong thing.

Quote from Julius

Julius: I don't know what you're going to do about this, but I need that money back.
Ryan: Oh, I'm already ahead of you.
Julius: What, you put $400 in my wallet?
Ryan: Don't worry, bro. I got you.
Julius: Where'd you get that?
Adult Chris: [v.o.] Sold the car to a dolphin.
Ryan: From my new business, Ryan's Auto Parts. Drew was right. The car had water damage, but the parts were in pretty good shape. So I scrapped it and made 1,100 bucks.
Julius: $1,100?
Ryan: Here, Drew.
Drew: 50 bucks? Ah, cool!
Ryan: Hey, I'm going to head down to the auction and see if I can find another one. You in?
Adult Chris: [v.o.] You insane?
Julius: You know, I think I'm gonna give my money a few days off work.
Drew: I'm in.
Adult Chris: [v.o.] Drew's money took my father's money's job and made $150.

Quote from Greg

Greg: Hey, man, you remember Jennifer, right?
Chris: Hey, Jennifer.
Jennifer: I didn't say you could introduce me to people. The deal is we dance, I stand next to you, you help me with my grade. You want to add things, we have to talk about it.
Greg: I'm just saying "hi" to a friend.
Jennifer: No, I'm saying "hi" to your friend. Let's dance. I don't want this to last any longer than it has to.
Greg: I gotta go.

Quote from Chris

Adult Chris: [v.o.] After getting talked about, put down, and hated like it was my first day at school, I figured I might as well get something out of going to that dance.
Carrie: What are you doing here?
Chris: I wanted to come to the dance, so I came.
Carrie: Yeah. Me, too.
Chris: I'm sorry for canceling on you.
Carrie: Yeah, well... you did what you had to do.
Chris: So, you want to dance?
Carrie: Why would I want to dance with you?
Chris: 'Cause it looks like it's either me or nobody else.
Carrie: Yes.
Chris: "Yes," what?
Carrie: I want to dance.
Chris: You look nice.
Carrie: Shut up. I'm still mad at you.
Adult Chris: [v.o.] Later that night, four guys still beat the crap out of me in the bathroom, but if I hadn't gone to my ninth grade dance, that never would have happened.

Quote from Chris

Chris: Hey, Carrie, I'm going to lunch. You want to come?
Carrie: No. I wanted to go to the dance. We went. I'm done. You need a friend, talk to somebody else.
Girl: Quit staring at me, bug eyes.

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