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Everybody Hates Driving

‘Everybody Hates Driving’

Season 3, Episode 3 - Aired October 15, 2007

Julius finally allows Chris to get behind the wheel and move the car to the other side of the street. Meanwhile, Rochelle takes Drew and Tonya with her to court as she challenges a speeding ticket.

Quote from Jerome

Adult Chris: [v.o.] While my mother got ready to challenge the law, I was still breaking it.
Jerome: Hey, little dude from across the street! Check you out, man. I didn't know you knew how to drive.
Chris: I'm just moving my dad's car for street cleaning.
Jerome: Well, you look a little stiff in there, little dude. See, man, you got to cop a lean, pop your collar up a little bit. I'll show you.
Adult Chris: [v.o.] Another thing I learned about cars is that it's not always what you drive, it's how you drive it. Pop this up some like this. Now go ahead and lean. Man, come-- lean, man. Man, get low. Yeah.
Chris: I can't see nothing.
Jerome: But you look good, though.
Chris: I got to get to school.
Jerome: Man, come on, let's go.
Adult Chris: [v.o.] You can't see me, but take my word for it: I look cool.


Quote from Adult Chris

Adult Chris: [v.o.] Meanwhile, Jerome had me driving like he was Miss Daisy.

Quote from Jerome

Jerome: You got the car. Why don't you drive to school?
Adult Chris: [v.o.] Because it'll be the last ride I ever take.
Chris: Because I'm not supposed to be driving. I'm supposed to be parking. Plus, I don't even have my license.
Jerome: Well, I'm just saying if you doing something you ain't supposed to be doing, you might as well do something you supposed to do.
Adult Chris: [v.o.] Sounds crazy, makes sense.
Chris: I guess.
Jerome: Hey, you think you could stop by and pick me up on your way home from school?
Chris: No!
Jerome: All right. Let me hold a dollar; I need bus fare.
Adult Chris: [v.o.] What about my gas money to bring you here?
Jerome: Thanks, little dude. Remember what I showed you.

Quote from Greg

Adult Chris: [v.o.] Even though I was scared out of my wits, there was something about driving that made me feel like the coolest kid in the world. And the only thing cooler than driving to school was pulling up in front of it.
Greg: Whoa, Chris, is that you? I always suspected you were held back a couple of years, but I didn't know you could drive. When'd you get your license?
Chris: I don't have my license.
Greg: What are you doing driving and where'd you get a car?
Chris: It's my dad's car.
Greg: What are you doing with it?
Chris: Moving it to the other side of the street.
Adult Chris: [v.o.] Or the other side of the borough.
Greg: Cool. This is totally off the hook.
Adult Chris: [v.o.] Greg was actually the first one to use that phrase and eventually went on to teach Snoop "shizzle" talk.

Quote from Chris

Greg: When the other kids see this, we are going to be so in there.
Chris: Greg, you can't tell anyone about this. If a teacher finds out and calls my dad, I'm dead, so you can't say anything to anyone.
Greg: Your secret's safe with me.
Adult Chris: [v.o.] No, it's not.
Girl: Oh, hey, Chris, I heard you got your father's deuce and a quarter. Cool.
Joey Caruso: Hey, Malcolm Racer X, I heard you got your father's hooptie. Cool.
Ms. Morello: Hey, Chris, I heard you've got a father. Cool.

Quote from Rochelle

Drew: Ma, I'm hungry.
Tonya: Me, too.
Rochelle: Oh, I knew y'all would say that. I got a snack. Here, we'll just open these chips and, and we gonna eat some chip...
Judge: Ma'am, you have been warned, already, for making too much noise.
Rochelle: I'm sorry, Judge. I got hungry kids over here. We're just having a little snack, that's all.
Judge: Well, why don't you try and have it quietly?
Rochelle: [whispering] I'll chew quiet.
Tonya: Ma, I'm thirsty.
Drew: Yeah, so am I.
Rochelle: Mm, Drew, go look for a vending machine and bring us back a soda.

Quote from Rochelle

Rochelle: Girl, they got you for speeding, too? You don't look like nothing on you goes fast.

Quote from Adult Chris

Adult Chris: [v.o.] While my mother was creeping out of court, back on the street, I was rollin'. It's a shame the White kids have more rhythm than me. [car puttering] [car tires squealing]
Greg: What's wrong?
Chris: Everything.
Adult Chris: [v.o.] I'm just glad we're in Brooklyn and not Alabama.

Quote from Rochelle

Rochelle: Tonya! I thought I told you to stay put.
Tonya: I had to go.
Hooker: [chuckles] You have a lovely daughter.
Rochelle: Thank you.
Tonya: Momma, she's on trial, too.
Rochelle: I'll bet she is, baby, come on.
Hooker: Hey! I got a speeding ticket.
Rochelle: Well, I got a speeding ticket, too.
Hooker: For going seven miles over the speed limit. Can you believe that? That's not even speeding.
Rochelle: I said the same thing, girl.
Hooker: It's all right. I'll pay the fine. I'm just glad they didn't check my trunk. 'Cause if they found my guns and drugs, I would of been in trouble.
Rochelle: [shepherds Tonya away from her] Okay. Uh, well, you take care. Congratulations.
Tonya: Bye. Nice talking to you.
Rochelle: Okay.
Hooker: You too, baby.
Rochelle: Tell the streets we said hello.

Quote from Rochelle

Rochelle: Ha! Yes! In your face! [cheering] Five! Gimme five!
Judge: [rapidly banging gavel] Silence! Hey!
Rochelle: Woo! I'm sorry.
Judge: This is a courtroom!
Rochelle: I'm sorry.
Judge: Not an end zone.
Rochelle: I'm sorry, Your highness, Your Honor.
Judge: And for your little dance, I find you in contempt of court. That will be $80, please.
Rochelle: Damn it!

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