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Yacht of Fools

‘Yacht of Fools’

Season 6, Episode 16 - Aired February 4, 1988

Sam and Rebecca spend the weekend on the yacht of her boss, Evan Drake (Tom Skerritt).

Quote from Sam

Evan Drake: Sam, please, give me my day in court, will you? You see, I... Well, since my marriage broke up, I have been feeling lonely. Still, a man gets urges.
Sam: Mm.
Evan Drake: But I guess I'm just too old-fashioned to think I can find any real happiness that way. Nothing happened, Sam.
Sam: Oh
Evan Drake: And I just wanted to explain that to you, so, uh... Uh, excuse me.
Sam: Well...
Evan Drake: Good night.
Sam: Yeah, yeah, good night.


Quote from Sam

Sam: All right, okay. Where were we here?
Rebecca: I have never loved that man more than I do right at this very minute.
Sam: Me, neither. So where were we?
Rebecca: God, he needs someone so badly.
Sam: Oh, come on! I haven't used that "men have urges" line since I was in the fifth grade.

Quote from Sam

Rebecca: Excuse me, Sam.
Sam: [mumbles] What? Come on! What are you gonna do? You gonna go chasing after him?
Rebecca: No, no, no. Please. It isn't the right time. I just have to think. I'm gonna go up on deck and sleep and look at the stars.
Sam: Uh, li- Listen, you can't... [laughs] You can't just work me up like that, and then walk out of here. Please.
Rebecca: Sam-
Sam: No, please.
Rebecca: I believe you have a sister with a vacancy sign on her door.
Sam: Right, right. Say hello to the stars for me there, sweetheart.

Quote from Sam

Sam: Um, Julie? [laughs] Listen, uh, why don't we let bygones be bygones here? Um, you were tempted, I was tempted, but what the hell? We're both consenting adults, huh? I sure hope there's, uh, some room in that bunk of yours for me.
Lorenzo: [opens door] There isn't.
Sam: I got to stay off boats, man.

Quote from Carla

Carla: Hello.
Woody: Hey, Carla. Did you pick your mother-in-law up?
Carla: Yeah. I tried to pawn her off on some Hare Krishnas, but I think she's the only thing they won't take at the airport. So, how's it been going?
Woody: Oh, fine. Well, they tried to pull that old birthday gag where they get a free round of beers, but I caught on after the fifth round.
Carla: Oh, Gomer, Gomer, Gomer. Geez!
Woody: Well, lucky for me, I remembered that Mr. Clavin and Mr. Peterson already had their birthday.
Carla: Those foam suckers were in on this?! That does it. Where are they? Hey, hey, hey. I want to talk to you.
Nobody stiffs this bar. [Norm and Cliff try to run away from Carla] You owe me for five rounds. Hey, come here.
Norm: All right, Cliffie, we split up. There's no way she can catch both of us.
Cliff: Norm. Norm, she's she's gonna come after me first, Normie.
Norm: Yeah.

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