Kelly Quote #35

Quote from Kelly in Rich Man, Wood Man

Kelly: Hi, everybody. Where's Woody?
Rebecca: Well, he's out looking for you. What happened, Kelly? Did you get lost?
Kelly: No, I was having such a great time I didn't want it to end. I love the subway.
Rebecca: Wait a minute, you liked the subway?
Kelly: Not at first. I got real angry because a lot of other people tried to get on my subway car. And then I met some young people who apparently work for the city because they were spray-painting the walls, and they let me write, "Kelly loves Woody," in a big red heart. And then the pigs came and we ran.


 ‘Rich Man, Wood Man’ Quotes

Quote from Kelly

Norm: You're gonna have to give up an awful lot of stuff. For example, no more limousines.
Kelly: Oh, that's okay. I can take taxis.
Norm: No, Kelly, I don't think Woody can even afford taxis. You'll have to take the subway.
Kelly: The what?
Norm: The "T". You know, the subway.
Kelly: Come again?
Norm: The subway, the the little trains that run underground, carry people back and forth.
Kelly: Right, an underground train. You're such a joker, Mr. Peterson.
Norm: Kelly, they exist, and, and most people take them to work every day.
Kelly: Sure they do, Mr. Peterson. All right, I'll take your little underground train tomorrow morning. Underground trains! Woo-woo!

Quote from Frasier

Sam: What the hell's wrong with him?
Frasier: Well, it's a common phenomenon, really. A young, impressionable lad, such as Woody, gets his first taste of a foreign country, and he comes back a little affected. I mean, give him a few hours, he'll be fine. You know, I remember when I came back from my first trip abroad. Oh, God, I was pompous and unbearable! Condescending to all my old friends. Of course, I wouldn't expect you fellows to understand. It's a complicated matter.

Quote from Frasier

Sam: I am proud of you, man. A lot of people would have quit after that little bout of vomiting.
Frasier: Thank you, Sam. I feel that from this point on, I can live a life of healthful moderation and physical fitness.
Carla: [enters] Okay, everybody, Lud is trying to raise money for his class trip to Colonial Williamsburg. Now who wants to help by buying some chocolate bars?
Frasier: I'll take 15 boxes!
Carla: Boy, that's great, Doc. All you got to do is fill out this order form, you'll have your candy in two weeks.
Frasier: Two weeks?! I want them now! Listen, Lud. Lud, here, go down to the store for me, get me a couple of KitKats, and I will personally drive you to Colonial Williamsburg.
Ludlow: Sorry, Dr. Crane. Two weeks.
Frasier: Oh, forget it, then, you rotten kid. No sale. You should have the chocolate on you. What do they teach you in that school of yours anyway?
Sam: Come on, Fras.
Frasier: Well, it's true. What the hell am I paying property taxes for?! Oh! Sam! [voice breaking] I hurt so much!