Sam Quote #230

Quote from Sam in Manager Coach

Mort: The coach of my kid's baseball team quit, and I figure you're a natural for the job.
Sam: Oh, boy, I'd love to, Mort, but I don't have any time around here. I spend half my life trying to keep this bar on its feet and the other half trying to keep Diane off hers.


 ‘Manager Coach’ Quotes

Quote from Norm

Norm: A loan application?
Cliff: That's right. It's a loan we're talking about, not a hand-out.
Norm: I don't want this kind of humiliation, all right? I mean, I wouldn't be asking for this unless I really needed it.
Cliff: All right, Norm, I gotcha. Just kidding around here.
Norm: This is gonna go a long way to pay a lot of bills. You know, I really should think of something nice for Vera, too.
Cliff: Hey, Norm, how about a candlelit dinner for two?
Norm: Great. Come on. We'll talk about Vera later.

Quote from Carla

Carla: Where do you stand on breast-feeding?
Sam: As I recall, I liked it.
Carla: No. I mean me with my baby in here.
Sam: Well, Carla, I guess it's cheaper than a piano player.
Carla: Look, Sammy, I'm just tired of having to run home to feed her all the time during my shift. I should have done like I did with all my other kids.
Sam: You mean you didn't breast-feed the other four?
Carla: Nah, they went right to raw meat.

Quote from Coach

Sam: How about doing the honors?
Coach: Sure. Fellas, this is Sam Mayday Malone. Probably the greatest relief pitcher baseball ever knew. Then he hit the bottle and he was through in less than a year. Remember that.