Rebecca Quote #545

Quote from Rebecca in Sunday Dinner

Rebecca: There you are. Everything's all set. I took the liberty of making name tags for everybody. See? Hello, my name's Rebecca. And this one is for you, Peter. And your name is?
Woman: We're all family. We know each other's names.
Rebecca: Well, let me make one out for you anyway. B-l-T-C...


 ‘Sunday Dinner’ Quotes

Quote from Cliff

Cliff: Hey, Norm, look at this. I just got myself a brand-new video camera.
Norm: Ooh, nice one. Looks kind of expensive.
Cliff: Oh, yeah, it is, it is, but it- it'll pay for itself in no time at all.
Norm: Yeah?
Cliff: Yeah. Yeah, I plan to stage some footage for those programs, you know, like America's Funniest Home Videos, Rescue 911, Nightline, stuff like that.
Norm: Cliff, I don't think Nightline is staged.
Cliff: You are so naive.

Quote from Norm

Cliff: Speaking of which, uh, I could use an assistant for my video endeavors. Uh, what do you say? I could start you off at 20, uh, 15 bucks.
Norm: I could use the money. I've got to get Vera a Christmas present.
Cliff: Uh, Christmas was a couple of weeks ago.
Norm: Oh, my.

Quote from Woody

[on answering machine:]
Woody: Hi, this is Cheers. Well, it isn't actually Cheers, it's Woody Boyd. Cheers is actually the bar, and as such, it couldn't be expected to talk.
Sam: Woody, start again.
Woody: Why? I'm doing fine. Anyway, uh, there's no one here to take your call right now. Well, actually, if you called right now, we could take your call, but if you call when you're...
Sam: Woody, would you cut it out? It's sounding stupid.
Woody: I am not. W-W-Why do you always treat me like I don't know what I'm doing?
Sam: It sounds stupid, Woody.
Woody: It does not. [machine beeps]
Woody: Hi, Sam, this is Woody. Uh, I guess you were right. It does sound stupid. I'll change it tomorrow.