Woody Quote #648

Quote from Woody in Home Malone

Frasier: Oh, Woody. Our baby-sitter just canceled. Could you sit with Frederick tonight?
Woody: Okay.
Frasier: Oh, great, Woody. Thanks. [dials phone]
Woody: Yeah, I'm used to it. I used to baby-sit a lot back in Hanover, well, before the incident.
Frasier: [hangs up] You know I think Lilith's mother owes us a favor. Thanks anyway, Woody.
Rebecca: Oh, good, Woody, come here for a minute. Listen, I'm gonna go out of town for the weekend and I want you to feed my cat. Now I know it's an imposition, but, you know...
Woody: Okay.
Rebecca: Well, you're really good with animals, aren't you?
Woody: Well, yeah. I mean, I had lots of pets back in Hanover before the incident.
Rebecca: Yeah, Woody, on second thought, I'm gonna ask my next-door neighbor, but thanks anyway.
Paul: Hey, Woody, that's a really clever trick. You get out of doing anything with that.
Woody: Yeah. Just wish I'd thought of it before the incident.


 ‘Home Malone’ Quotes

Quote from Lilith

Frasier: Sam, can you be at our place in about an hour?
Sam: You bet. Where are you guys going tonight?
Frasier: Oh, well, I'm proud to tell you that my lovely wife is being honored tonight by the scientific community for her contributions to the study of sensory deprivation.
Lilith: It was serendipitous, I admit. I'd returned to the lab after a two-week holiday to find that I'd locked my lab assistant in the isolation tank. Suffice it to say, what could have been an ugly lawsuit turned into an award-winning paper.

Quote from Kelly

Woody: Hey, Kelly, guess what? Ms. Howe said you can work here.
Kelly: Really? Oh, that's great. Oh, thanks, Ms. Howe.
Rebecca: Oh, welcome aboard, Kelly.
Kelly: I can't believe I have a real job.
Rebecca: [hands Kelly an apron] You know what to do with this.
Kelly: Wow, I sure do. [goes to tie it around her neck] Do you guys have lobster for lunch every day?

Quote from Norm

Kelly: I don't even know how to get a job.
Norm: Kelly, come over here, here. Want ads. Okay? Plenty of jobs in there. If you can't find anything there, call an employment agency. Plenty of places to get a job.
Cliff: Hey, you know, Norm, for a guy who's unemployed, you certainly know a lot about getting work.
Norm: Well, Cliff, I know a lot about water, too, but you don't see me drinking it.