Norm Quote #804

Quote from Norm in Where Nobody Knows Your Name

Cliff: Anybody seen my gum? Left it around here somewhere.
Norm: What'd you take your gum out for?
Cliff: To give my mouth a rest, you know.
Frasier: Dear Diary, today it finally happened.
Norm: Wood, can I have another... Oh! Cliff, I think I found your gum. This is a new jacket, too, man.
Frasier: Well, Norm, you know, might I suggest that you ice it and then try to scrape the bulk of it off with a razor blade, and maybe that way you can save it.
Cliff: Oh, no, that's okay, Frasier. I was about to get a new piece anyway.
Norm: Sounds like a lot of work, Frasier, I don't know.
Frasier: Well, alternatively, you could wait several years for the resins to break down, the gum to harden and fall off by itself.
Norm: [lifts his arm to drink his beer] I seem to have my full range of movement. I can wait.


 ‘Where Nobody Knows Your Name’ Quotes

Quote from Carla

Carla: I'm not kidding, Sammy. I've- I've gone over two years now without having a kid. Now that's a record for me. I'm not taking any chances. I was gonna stay home, turn off the lights, lie down but the cable man's coming over.
Sam: Sweetheart, I promise you, I won't let anybody put the moves on you, okay?
Carla: Oh, no, you don't understand, Sammy. It's not them, it's me. When the mercury hits 95, I can't be responsible for my actions.
Sam: Oh.
Cliff: Oh! Who is that hunk over there in the uniform with the cute buns? Oh, my God, it's Clavin! Oh, this is, this is worse than I thought. Has he always had that mustache? Iced coffee will cool me down.

Quote from Woody

Cliff: What's the matter, Wood?
Woody: I don't get The Far Side.
Cliff: Woody, come on. Hand it over here. Come on. Let's have a look. Okay, Wood, now you see here in the first panel, the cows are standing on their hind legs, right? The second panel, when the car goes by, they're acting like normal cows.
Norm: See, the idea here is, Wood, that, uh, you know, cows only act like cows when, when we're around. Other times they act like people. Now, does that- Does that help you clear it up a little bit for you?
Woody: I just meant I don't get The Far Side in my newspaper at home, but thanks for treating me like a one-year-old.

Quote from Carla

Sam: Ha. What's with the getup?
Carla: It's Indian summer, Sam. I need these clothes for protection.
Sam: Protection from what?
Carla: The eyes of men.
Sam: What are you talking about?
Carla: Every time I've conceived a kid it's been during Indian Summer. That's when I'm at my most fertile, Sammy. I cannot let any man touch me, talk to me or see me, or I'll be shooting out kids like a Pez dispenser.