Woody Quote #387

Quote from Woody in Hot Rocks

Woody: Refill, Mr. P.?
Norm: Yeah. [knuckles crack]
Woody: Eww! Knuckle cracking. I hate that sound. And you hurt your fingers.
Cliff: Woodrow, knuckle cracking is relatively harmless. Actually, when you crack your knuckles, what you're doing is really, uh, breaking a sound barrier. Yeah, what you hear is actually a tiny finger-sized sonic boom.
Frasier: Well, Cliff, you're partly right.
Cliff: Really? Which part?
Frasier: The phenomenon of knuckle cracking is relatively harmless. But in fact, the sound you're hearing is not a cracking at all, but rather a popping of tiny gas bubbles imploding in the synovial fluid of the metacarpal phalangeal joint.
Woody: Makes sense.
Norm: Yeah, but knuckle-cracking doesn't make a popping sound. A popping sound is more like this. [popping sound]
Woody: Oh, God, I could never do that. You know what else I could never do? I could never whistle with my fingers.
Norm: Carla can do that great. Hey, Carla, show Woody how you whistle with two fingers.
Carla: Sure. First, you have to crack your knuckles. [cracking sound]
Woody: Ooh, synovial fluid imploding! I hate that sound! You'll hurt your metacarpal phalangeal joint.


 ‘Hot Rocks’ Quotes

Quote from Rebecca

Sam: Look what I found in this dirty old glass.
Rebecca: Oh! Oh! Oh! You are such an angel! Oh, how can I ever thank you?
Sam: I think the how has already been established. We're up to where and how often.
Rebecca: Well... a promise is a promise.
Sam: Come on. I hate that. I hate it when you do that. Come on. What- What's wrong with you? Why- Why don't you want me? What's the problem?
Rebecca: You know, Sam, I really... I just don't know why I don't want you.
Sam: Well, think, damn it!
Rebecca: I think it's just one of those things that, when you first meet a guy, you put him in one of three categories: yes, no or maybe. And the second I saw you, I threw you right in that "no" category, and that's where you've stayed ever since. I mean, when Sam Malone walks into a room, I say "no" and go on with my life.
Sam: Every single time?
Rebecca: No. There was this one time, when you were way down at the end of the hall, and I could just see this tiny little piece of your elbow, and I didn't know for sure if it was you. And I thought to myself, hmm. And then you came around the corner, and I thought, "God, no!"
Sam: "God, no" is a lot worse than just no, isn't it?

Quote from Cliff

Cliff: Admiral William J. Crowe, Jr., promoted to Admiral in 1974. In 1983 commanded U.S. Pacific Command. In 1985, appointed 11th Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. Wife, Shirley.
Admiral William J. Crowe Jr.: I'm impressed, young man. How come you know so much about me?
Cliff: Simple, sir. I'm an American. Clifford Clavin, U.S. Postal Service, sir.
Admiral William J. Crowe Jr.: Nice to know you, Mr. Clavin. Us guys in uniform got to stick together.
Cliff: Yes, sir.
Admiral William J. Crowe Jr.: Were you ever in the Navy?
Cliff: No, sir, I wanted to be but the old asthma started kicking up, you know. So, uh, so I joined the U.S. Postal Service instead. I figured if I couldn't serve I should at least deliver the draft notices to those who could.

Quote from Woody

Cliff: Where, uh, where's he taking you?
Rebecca: Only the society event of the season, celebrating the anniversary of the launching of Old Ironsides.
Woody: Wow, can you get Raymond Burr's autograph?
Rebecca: Woody, this is Old Ironsides, the ship. The USS Constitution.
Woody: I know; I was reading about it in the paper. Raymond Burr's gonna be there.
Rebecca: [gasps] Oh, God, I'm gonna be late.
Woody: Have him make it out to Woody, and make sure he signs it, Perry Mason, Ironsides, and that guy who cut up his wife in Rear Window.