Woody Quote #72

Quote from Woody in Dark Imaginings

Diane: Does Sam's behavior give you pause? Methinks the man does protest too much.
Woody: Excuse me, Miss Chambers, but shouldn't it be "l thinks"?
Carla: Not in your case, Woody.


 ‘Dark Imaginings’ Quotes

Quote from Norm

Norm: Boy, I envy Sammy his carefree lifestyle.
Carla: Yeah.
Norm: Night after night, he dates pretty girls, while I sit here and wrestle with the world's problems.
Carla: You do not.
Norm: What do you mean? Last night, I let out that moan at the thought of nuclear war.
Carla: It wasn't because of nuclear war. It was because we ran out of beer nuts.
Norm: It was a combination of the two.

Quote from Woody

Woody: [sobbing] I'm sorry, Sam, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to do this.
Sam: I know you didn't. That's all right. It's okay.
Carla: He's been like this ever since you left, Sam.
Woody: Sam, I... I've come to donate an organ or something.
Sam: Woody, Woody, I have a hernia.
Woody: Well, if you need another one, take mine.

Quote from Diane

Diane: Bye, Carla. You see? There are other parts to a hospital besides the maternity ward.
Carla: Bite it.