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Home Malone

‘Home Malone’

Season 9, Episode 26 - Aired April 25, 1991

Frasier and Lilith ask Sam to babysit Frederick. Meanwhile, Kelly takes a job at Cheers to learn more about the real world.

Quote from Sam

Sam: Oh, hey, Freddie! I'm back. I must have blacked out there for a while. Whoo! Uncle Sammy sure is lucky the glass recycling bin broke his fall. I'll tell you. Somebody sure drinks a lot of wine in this building.


Quote from Carla

Carla: Wait. Whoa, wait a minute. Wait a minute. Wait a minute. Is it true? Are you firing Kelly? Because I want you to know that she is the best thing that's ever happened to this bar!
Rebecca: Since when did you ever care what happened to Kelly?
Norm: Wait. Whoa, wait, whoa! Something's happening to Kelly? She's not leaving, is she?
Rebecca: Yes, as a matter of fact, she is. I guess you're both going to have to learn to live with it. She's here one day and everybody loves her. I'm here five years and nobody gives a damn! [exits]
Carla: By the way, Norm, why'd you want her to stay?
Norm: None of your business. Why'd you want her to stay?
Carla: None of your business.

Quote from Sam

Frasier: Darling, do my eyes deceive me or is our little Frederick actually asleep?
Lilith: Oh, he is! Where's Sam? [banging outside]
Frasier: Sam!
Sam: [o.s.] Over here in the tree. But I can still see the kid. [branch snaps] Whoo!

Quote from Rebecca

Rebecca: Oh, man, I knew that I should not have had Woody fire her. When am I gonna learn? If you want something done right, you've gotta do it yourself. [glasses break] Be careful walking back here.

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