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A House Is Not a Home

‘A House Is Not a Home’

Season 5, Episode 25 - Aired April 30, 1987

Sam and Diane buy a house from an elderly couple who have lived there for forty years.

Quote from Sam

Diane: You know, Santa?
Sam: Hmm?
Diane: I think it's time to take you up on that offer to polish the floor.
Sam: Oh, well, uh what room would you like to start in here?
Diane: Hmm. How about the dining room?
Sam: Oh, good, good, good, good, good.
[After Sam and Diane disappear into the dining room, Sam is heard laughing. Diane emerges from the room with the "Dogs Playing Blackjack" painting]


Quote from Woody

Diane: Will you stop stalling and come with me, please?
Sam: Just give me one good reason why I should.
Diane: Because we own it.
Woody: That's a pretty good reason, Sam.

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