Eric Quote #121

Quote from Eric in Last Tango in Philly

Eric: Hey, dad, I think you got a bad satellite dish. I don't see nothing yet.


 ‘Last Tango in Philly’ Quotes

Quote from Cory

Shawn: My relationship with Angela is new. I don't want to disappoint her.
Cory: Hey, you're a guy, she's got to get used to it.

Quote from Cory

Cory: Tonight we do what men do.
Shawn: Right, what's that?
Cory: We go to the gym. We pump some iron and we sweat.
Shawn: Are there private showers?
Cory: Well there better be.

Quote from Shawn

*Cory's lighting weights*
Shawn: Push! Push!
Cory: I can't!
Shawn: Oh come on you whimp. Now push! Sergio could. Nunzio could.
Shawn: That's one.