Maeby Quote #40

Quote from Maeby in Good Grief

Maeby: Is there any way I can divorce them?
Barry: Oh, sure. It's called emancipation. But you've got to prove that you're living in an unstable environment.
Maeby: Both my parents are trying to have affairs. Of course, they haven't succeeded yet.
Buster: If they do, I could have you out of this house, on the street, in a month.
Maeby: Sweet!


 ‘Good Grief’ Quotes

Quote from Lindsay

Michael: I think George Michael's hiding Ann in the attic.
Lindsay: From who, the Nazis?

Quote from Michael

George Michael: That was great.
Michael: Well, I meant it. So no more secret trips up to the attic. Right?
Narrator: George Michael didn't want to betray his grandfather, but it appeared his father already knew the truth.
George Michael: I have Pop-Pop in the attic.
Michael: What?! The mere fact that you call making love "pop-pop" tells me you're not ready.

Quote from Gob

Narrator: Michael was adjusting to his new position as vice president which meant doing the work of the president, his brother Gob.
Gob: Michael.
Michael: Hey.
Gob: So, did you see the new Poof?
Michael: [closes the door] His name's Gary, and we don't need any more lawsuits.
Gob: No, I was talking about the magazine- Wait. Gary's gay?
Michael: Yeah.
Gob: Uh-oh. He's gonna think I was coming on to him.
Gob: You've got a nice mouth.
Gob: I'd kill for that ass.
Gob: Okay, the chair's not doing it now but lately it's been giving out as soon as I lean back.