Lindsay Quote #74

Quote from Lindsay in Not Without My Daughter

Michael: You're gonna take that back.
Lindsay: No, I'm not. This has nothing to do with you. You're not my father.
Michael: No, our father is in prison for stealing, remember? Which might not be a bad place for you to get used to.
Lindsay: Michael it was shoplifting, and I'm white. I think I'm going to be okay.


 ‘Not Without My Daughter’ Quotes

Quote from George Michael

Narrator: Michael was heading off to work when his son, George Michael, reminded him of a yearly tradition.
George Michael: Hey, don't forget me.
Michael: For what?
George Michael: It's Bring Your Daughter to Work Day. And unless you had a daughter I don't know about, I'm your girl.
Narrator: Michael had first made this joke when George Michael was six.
Michael: Well, she's not my daughter, but it's about as close as I'm gonna get.
Young George Michael: I'm a good little girl.
Narrator: It was a joke Michael was starting to grow concerned about as it had not worn well with age.
George Michael: Hey, Dad. They're out of sanitary napkins in the ladies' washroom.
George Sr.: Weird kid.

Quote from Lindsay

Michael: Where are you getting all the money?
Lindsay: It's not costing you anything.
Michael: Unless you're stealing or working, I'm pretty sure it is.
Lindsay: That's right. I stole it.
Narrator: In fact, Lindsay, tired of wearing last year's fashions went to an upscale department store and in a moment of desperation applied for a job.
Lindsay: Can I have a job application please?
Narrator: But she was ashamed of being a shop girl and was relieved when Michael gave her the out.
Lindsay: Well, they expect a certain amount of theft, Michael. It's built into the price. If I didn't take it, then people would be overpaying for nothing.

Quote from Buster

Michael: Hey, Mom, why can't Buster pretend to be your escort? That's the way he's got it in all his cartoons.
Lucille: They already know he's my son.
Buster: I wouldn't go even if you asked. You didn't let me play soccer as a child. Why should I have to sit and cheer Annyong? Annyong never cheers me.
Annyong: Go, fatty. [Buster starts fighting with Annyong]
Lucille: Stop it! He's your little brother!
Buster: No, he's not! I came out of you! He didn't!