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Zoo Balloon

‘Zoo Balloon’

Season 1, Episode 13 - Aired April 12, 2022

As the teachers chaperone a field trip to the zoo, Janine learns that Tariq has been offered a job in New York. Meanwhile, Barbara questions her future in teaching after learning that a beloved zoo animal has been retired.

Quote from Janine

Janine: [aside to camera] Abbott Elementary is a special place. I knew it when I got here. Just now, I feel like I'm part of it. I'm one of these great teachers. This is what I'm meant to do. It's gonna be great. And I'm gonna be fine. We all are.


Quote from Jacob

Jacob: Okay, class, this is... Oh, I guess you've already met Zach.
Zach: Yeah, Scrub and Bubbles will take that mark right off. But you got to use the foam, not the spray.

Quote from Gregory

Gregory: Hold up. I'm missing a kid.
Mr. Johnson: This one of yours? I found him hiding inside a trash bag. I almost threw him out.
Gregory: Kenny, yeah. Come on, man. Thank you, Mr. Johnson.
Kenny: Can I go to the water zoo instead?
Gregory: You mean the aquarium? N-Next time, buddy.

Quote from Janine

Melissa: So, what's your plan?
Janine: I don't know. I mean, New York is really far. Far for me, anyway. I've never lived anywhere outside of Philly. And, I don't know, there are a lot of schools there that could use a teacher like me. But I just refilled my transit pass, and... I don't know, maybe this is just, like, that moment...
Melissa: Okay. I just meant what exhibit did you plan on hitting first?
Janine: Oh, um, the flamingos?

Quote from Janine

Janine: Kenny, how you doing? You, uh, enjoying learning about that bird life?
Kenny: I guess.
Janine: You know, Kenny, I hear you're worried about going to the second grade. But it really isn't that big a change. It's, like, two nickels' worth. Yeah, you'll have all the same friends, and it'll be in the same place.
Kenny: Really?
Janine: Yeah.
Kenny: That's good, I guess.
Janine: Yeah, it isn't like you'd be moving to a new city where you maybe don't know anyone except for one person. And maybe that person isn't even thinking about how this is gonna affect you. It's just crazy. [off Kenny's look] All right. Let's regroup after the bird show, all right? That's a parakeet.

Quote from Gregory

Gregory: How's Kenny?
Janine: Oh. He's okay. Um... Definitely scared, but I get it. Change can be scary. But you know that better than anyone... You know, as a sub. You're here one day and in a totally different school tomorrow.
Gregory: Well, not anymore, actually. [holds up ID card] Just got this today.
Janine: You're full-time?
Gregory: Yeah, Abbott is a special place. And you helped me realize that, so thank you.
Janine: Yeah. Is there a skunk around here? Because my eyes are watering. [both laugh]
Taylor: I got you a clam chowder since you loved it so much yesterday.
Gregory: Oh! They sell clam chowder at the zoo? In... In a bowl you can eat. Yay!

Quote from Barbara

Janine: [sighs] Are you at least having a good day at the zoo, Barb?
Barbara: You know, one of the last things I get to do with my students before they move on to first grade is to come out here and visit with Duster, and class after class, they graduate, and it seems like ol' Barbara is in the same place. And... I just don't know if I have the energy for this anymore. Maybe I should just move on.
Janine: Wow. Been kind of thinking the same thing lately.
Barbara: What, you're thinking about quitting teaching?
Janine: No. I'm thinking about- Wait, you're thinking about quitting teaching?

Quote from Janine

Janine: Kenny, it was very scary when you ran away. Everyone was worried about you. And we need to get off this balloon. [sighs] Look, second grade is gonna be incredible. You're gonna love it just as much as first grade... Maybe even more. And sometimes, the best things you can ever do are... the scary things. And they help you grow.
Guide: You can see William Penn really well from up here.
Janine: And you're gonna have a pretty cool teacher to help you every step of the way. [sighs] So we're gonna do this together, you know? We're going to love it, even if it scares us.
Kenny: So now do you love being on this balloon?
Janine: No, I'm still very scared. But I'm gonna try to be brave and stand up. Okay.
Kenny: Let's look over the side!
Janine: Oh, da da da! Not that brave yet.
Kenny: Ms. Teagues?
Janine: Huh?
Kenny: You're squeezing me.

Quote from Gregory

Gregory: [high-pitched] Choo-choo! All aboard the fun bus. Come on!
Melissa: [silly voice] Now that was a good silly voice.
Gregory: Well, thank you.
Melissa: Mm. We are amused.
[aside to camera:]
Gregory: [laughs] I'm excited for next year. This is what it looks like when I'm excited. But at the end of the day, it wasn't a hard decision to stay here. Abbott is a special place with a lot of really special people.

Quote from Janine

Barbara: You've come a long way, Miss Teagues. And I'm happy you're staying at Abbott. It's where you belong.
Janine: Thank you, Mrs. Howard. [children shouting]
[Barbara and Janine both stand up and turn to face the kids]
Janine: Excuse me. [yells] Sit down! [shouting stops]

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