Dick Quote #1649

Quote from Dick in Mary Loves Scoochie: Part One

Harry: Welcome back to the Alien Award Show. And now the award for best alien uniform worn in a non-violent mission...
Dick: Sally, come on. They're doing uniforms.
Harry: The Plecto Alien.
Dick: Oh, darn. The Plectos are getting everything.
Harry: Accepting on behalf of the Plectos is their High Commander-
Dick: Oh, where's the remote?
Harry: Lieutenant Colonel Zorgon- [Harry is muted]
Sally: I miss anything good?
Dick: No. Only the tribute to all the aliens who died last year.


 ‘Mary Loves Scoochie: Part One’ Quotes

Quote from Harry

Harry: Did we win?
Dick: No.
Harry: Oh, man! Great! So much for the mission bein' renewed next fall.

Quote from Harry

Harry: So then we followed the Team X aliens in their horse and buggy. Most boring car chase in history. Yeah. I had to make all the tire screeching noises myself.

Quote from Dick

Harry: [sings] It's the Alien Awards Show [Sally and Dick applaud] And now the award for best mission in a single-sun solar system.
Sally: This is us.
Harry: This Earth-based crew has tirelessly chronicled human feats and foibles in central Ohio.
Sally: Oh, God! Oh.
Dick: I'll do the thank-yous, then you step in and thank me, and then I'll wrap it up with some crap about how this belongs to everyone.
Sally: Okay.
Harry: And the Probie Award goes to... Team X!
Sally: Team X?
Dick: A- Are we Team X?
Sally: No, of course not. We're the Cougars!
Dick: Oh, damn!
Harry: Team X is on location and unable to attend.
Dick: Oh, turn it off.
Harry: Accepting on behalf of Team X is Sachie Little- [sneezes]