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Post-Nasal Dick

‘Post-Nasal Dick’

Season 1, Episode 2 - Aired January 16, 1996

When Mary agrees to let Dick accompany her to a wedding, the Solomons come down with a bug after Tommy kisses a girl at school.

Quote from Tommy

[Tommy lays his head back as Sally sits next to him holding a can of bug spray]
Sally: I don't know what the school nurse is talking about. I don't see any bug.
Tommy: [nasally] I know. She said I probably got it from Dina, but I don't get how unless the bug swam in with the saliva.


Quote from Dick

Dick: Okay, Sally, this shirt, this tie, these socks? Or this shirt, this tie, these socks?
Sally: Stop. What's wrong with you?
Dick: I'm sorry, but Mary's counting on me. I want to look my best for the wedding.
Sally: What is it with you and that blonde?
Dick: Nothing. This is strictly research. But to describe her as blonde is inaccurate. Her hair is more like honey with flaxen highlights and just a whisper of gold dancing playfully about the halo that surrounds her. So she's not blonde.

Quote from Harry

Dick: Look, this is a perfect opportunity to observe a wedding firsthand. There's a lot we don't understand.
Tommy: Like what?
Dick: Well, it's really a very fascinating ritual. The ceremony begins with the bride being given away.
Sally: Excuse me. Given away, like an object? As in "free girl with every large fries"?
Tommy: Wait. There's free girls? Can I go?
Harry: Fries? Can I go?
Dick: No, I'm afraid not. Dr. Albright has already RSVP'd.
Harry: You said you'd stop spelling in front of me.

Quote from Dick

Nina: Good morning, Dr. Solomon.
Dick: [congested] Good morning. Nina, I seem to be having a little trouble swallowing this morning. Do you happen to know if there's an alternate stomach access?
Nina: Are you sick?
Dick: Yes, and the novelty is starting to wear off.
Nina: You're sick and you're breathing my air.
Dick: Which air is yours?

Quote from Harry

Sally: [to Tommy] This is all your fault. You brought a foreign germ into this house.
Harry: Hey, I have as much a right to be here as anybody else.

Quote from Dick

Sally: Dick, you are obviously too sick to go. Why don't you just stay home and drip fluids with the rest of us?
Dick: Nonsense. I feel perfectly fine.
Tommy: Dick, I think Sally's right. You should just stay home.
Dick: No. Now, help me get my pants on. And don't worry about me. I've never been defeated by a single-celled organism. They are stealthy, but they are stupid. I am the High Commander, and I refuse to let this beat me.

Quote from Dick

Dick: Now, which of those guys is God?
Mary: Be quiet.
Dick: Okay, but be sure to introduce me later because I want some answers.

Quote from Sally

Tommy: Sally, you're amazing. As sick as you are, you keep taking care of us.
Sally: Yeah, I know. I don't understand. All I want to do is curl up into a ball. Yet, somehow I'm compelled to nurture you. God, what a cruel disease.
Tommy: Why did we choose bodies that could decay so easily?
Harry: I told you we should come here as ducks, but nobody listens to me.
Tommy: How could Dina do this to me after I was nice enough to spread the word that she was a good frencher?
Sally: After all the battles I've fought in and all the places I've been, I- I just can't believe I'm gonna die on a flea-infested little planet in the boondocks of the galaxy... in this outfit.

Quote from Harry

Harry: Now I'll never fall in love, never get used, cheated on, tossed aside like an old shoe. I'm glad I'm dying.
Tommy: You know, I never told you this, but I always thought you'd make a totally kick-ass High Commander.
Sally: Thanks. I've always admired your eloquence.
Harry: What about me?
Sally: No one can take a blow to the head like you, Harry.
Harry: You don't know what that means to me. I love you guys.

Quote from Dick

Mary: I really wish you hadn't wrestled the maid of honor for that.
Dick: [holding bouquet] I see. Men and women are completely equal until something pretty is being given away.
Mary: Keep your voice down.
Dick: What was with that little girl throwing away flowers? What the hell was her problem?

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