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Les Liasons Dickgereuses

‘Les Liasons Dickgereuses’

Season 6, Episode 1 - Aired October 24, 2000

When Mary's rich sister, Renata (Megan Mullally), visits with another plan to humiliate Mary, Dick decides to get revenge. Meanwhile, Sally and Harry start a teen center in the living room.

Quote from Nina

Mary: There. Right there. That's where they're putting it. Unbelievable!
Nina: I know. How dare they attach the new wing of the museum onto the rest of the museum.


Quote from Dick

Mary: It's gonna block my view. It is literally going to cast a shadow on my office.
Dick: Yeah, as opposed to figuratively casting a shadow?
Mary: Yes, jerk. As opposed to figuratively.
Dick: No, I don't think you see what I'm saying. You see, the shadow is of course literal, unless...
Mary: Unless it was donated by my sister, Renata Albright.
Dick: Your sister? Literally?

Quote from Nina

Nina: You never told me you had a sister.
Mary: Well, I don't like to talk about her, only because it reminds me of... her. The minute she was born, my life changed. She was showered with attention. She was given everything. She was supported endlessly, and I had to stand by and rinse out her things.
Nina: Wow. So you're the good sister?

Quote from Mary

Dick: Doesn't the firstborn kind of pave the way? I'm sure she's grateful.
Mary: Grateful? She's the smart sister, the successful sister, the pretty sister. And every second she has, she crams it down my throat. She is evil.
Renata: [enters] Mary-berry.
Dick: Speak of the devil. Literally!

Quote from Mary

Mary: So have you married again, or do you not want to discuss business?
Renata: Oh, now, now, Mary. I traveled all this way to help your little school's art room. Why can't you just say thank you?
Mary: Because it was an act of hostility designed to humiliate me.
Renata: And to showcase Holland's premier architect, Flim Vandercoose.
Mary: You are so affected.
Renata: Cultured.
Mary: Pretentious.
Renata: Worldly.
Mary: Face-lifted.
Renata: 30.
Mary: I hate you!
Renata: I love me!

Quote from Harry

Sally: Hey, lady! Lady! You're paying for this whole thing? Man, you must make a butt-load of money at your job. If you can afford a whole new museum, what kind of job is that, I wonder?
Renata: I'm a philanthropist. I give to worthy causes.
Harry: Okay, I don't have this all fleshed out, but here are the bullet points. Children, herbal ecstasy and motor vehicles.

Quote from Harry

Renata: You know, I would like to help you. What about a teen center?
Sally: We love working with teens. It's practically our life!
Renata: Yes. I'll give you $10,000.
Harry: Make it 10.
Sally: She just made it 10.
Harry: I knew she'd cave under the pressure.

Quote from Dick

Mary: Oh, I don't know why I even bother! It's too late. The damage has been done. My parents gave all the sunblock to Renata.
Dick: I hate what the sun and Renata have done to you. They've taken away all your self-esteem.
Mary: Oh, not just my self-esteem. Everything I have Renata wants and eventually gets.
Dick: And guess who's the shiny new bauble she's got her eyes on now? Me.
Mary: What?
Dick: She touched my bum. [Mary gasps] I'm so sorry. I don't know what to do... except giggle.

Quote from Dick

Mary: It's pathological with her. She has more than I ever will, and now she wants what little I have. Well, she's not going to get it, not this time.
Dick: She'll get it, all right.
Mary: What do you mean?
Dick: It's brilliant, Mary. We'll turn her advances into our advantage. We'll stage a row in front of her and pretend to be on the outs.
Mary: What?
Dick: I'll seek out her comfort, woo her, win her. And then, when the time is right, I will break her heart.
Mary: [gasps] No!
Dick: Yes. We'll pay her back for all the pain she's inflicted on you. And there won't be money enough in all the world to mend her.
Mary: Oh, Dick, I'm appalled. Your plan is ridiculous. It's risky. It's- It's horrible. It's positively French. Do it!

Quote from Sally

Sally: Well, it took a lot of work, but we sure turned that dive into a great place for the kids.
Harry: Yeah. We're gonna be late. Come on. Let's get on over to the teen center.
Sally: Right on.
Harry: Yeah. [both walk into the living room]
Sally: Oh, man. Those kids sure are lucky to have a place like this to hang out for an hour a day, huh? Ten grand well spent.
Harry: Yeah. Well, it's all about the kids.
Sally: Oh, yeah.

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