Vincent Strudwick Quotes   Page 2 of 2

Quote from Fear and Loathing in Rutherford

Strudwick: Tommy, I know I've shown you nothing but contempt, but I love you. Welcome to the family.
Tommy: There's something out there!
Dick: I want to feel the baby kick.
Alissa: The what?
Tommy: Dick, she's not pregnant! But there's something evil outside!
Dick: Not pregnant? No! Vincent, are you as devastated as I am?
Strudwick: Frankly, Dick, I'm kind of relieved.
Tommy: I'm telling you we're not safe!
Dick: Are you abandoning me? We were in this together.
Strudwick: We were in bed. I was vulnerable.
Dick: Oh, screw you, Pop-pop!
Strudwick: In your eye, Gee-gaw!

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