Tony Shalhoub Quotes

Find quotes from 1 of Tony Shalhoub's TV roles.

  • Adrian Monk - Monk Adrian Monk - Monk

    Adrian Monk is a former police officer turned private consultant, whose obsessive compulsions took over his life following the death of his wife.

    Main Character 2,753 quotes

Monk: Adrian Monk Quotes

Quote from Mr. Monk and the Daredevil

Natalie: We promised Dr. Kroger we wouldn't leave you alone.
Adrian Monk: I am not suicidal. I just wish I was never born. There's a difference.


Quote from Mr. Monk Is At Your Service

Natalie: Are you afraid of frogs?
Adrian Monk: I don't know. I've never been this close to one. [A frog lands on Monk's shoe] Yes. The answer is yes. Put frogs on the list. Where's the list?
Natalie: I got it. I got it. Where does it go?
Adrian Monk: Put them between possums and, uh, soccer riots. No, no, no. Uh, after after soccer riots. And before, uh, before hailstones. Yeah, so it goes...
Natalie: I got it, I got it: Soccer riots, frogs, hailstones.
Adrian Monk: At least now we know. Information really is power.

Quote from Mr. Monk Gets Fired

Ms. Lennington: Mr. Monk, what would you say is your greatest strength?
Adrian Monk: Oh. Mm... [long, expectant pause] My decisiveness.