Granddaddy Clisby Quote #6
Quote from Granddaddy Clisby in Independence Day
Dean: I thought we weren't leaving for two more hours.
Kim: We're not, but Granddaddy didn't want to wait while I shop for my... delicates.
Granddaddy Clisby: Well, now, ladies underwear ain't no place for a grown man to be waiting. Shouldn't even have to be looking at it.
Brad: Kim, I mean, if you need some help, I... [Grandaddy Clisby glares at Brad]
The Wonder Years Quotes
‘Independence Day’ Quotes
Quote from Dean
Bill: I told you how he was swerving all over the road.
Dean: It was like watching a drunk turtle.
Lillian: Well, it was worse than that. He had a fender-bender. Left the car and walked home. They called a tow truck, but he couldn't remember where he left it.
Bill: [sighs] I guess it's time.
Lillian: Yeah. Everybody's time comes sooner or later. I know it's hard, but you're doing the right thing, and you're doing it because you love him.
Dean: It's okay, Dad. He'll be in a better place, like Buster.
Adult Dean: I didn't exactly know what they were talking about, but it sounded like when my dog Buster had to go to a big farm in the sky.
Bill: What? Boy, we're talking about stopping your granddad from driving, not putting him down.
Dean: Oh!
Quote from Granddaddy Clisby
Dean: Hey, everyone. Come over here for a minute. So, this is my granddad, Mr. Williams. He's gonna be hanging out with us for a while.
Granddaddy Clisby: Yeah, now, I got a question. Why would young and healthy children want to hang out in this cold mall rather than play in the sunshine outside? I mean, what's so special about this place?
Dean: Well, there's a food court. [murmuring agreement]
Granddaddy Clisby: Boy, you can eat at home.
Cory: And the movies.
Granddaddy Clisby: Well, I never was one for going to the movies. They used to make us sit up in the balcony and see the same shows that other people got to see from the good seats. But your dad used to beg me and beg me to let him go so he could be free with his friends, but it wasn't safe, him to be going around and about where anything could happen to him.
Adult Dean: I began to see why my dad was so overprotective, and maybe it wasn't overprotective. Maybe it was wise.
Quote from Adult Dean
Brad: Why isn't there a mall in your neighborhood?
Adult Dean: Oh, you just wait, Brad. One day that mall by your house will be the Black mall.
Dean: It's not fair. The mall's lousy with Catholic girls, and we can't get there.
Brad: Well, you guys should just move closer.
Adult Dean: Brad really needed to watch the news sometimes.