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Quote from Lillian in Lads and Ladies and Us

Kim: So what? I missed one meeting. I was tired. Stop making a big deal about this.
Lillian: It is a big deal. You can't just miss a meeting with a college recruiter because you felt tired. When I was applying, I met with every recruiter I could, whether I felt like it or not.
Kim: I know. And your applications were perfect, and your interviews were perfect, and your GPA...
Lillian: Was not perfect. I made a "B." Once.
Kim: I've told you a million times, I'm not sure I even want to go to college.
Lillian: Bill, you'd better get your daughter.
Adult Dean: Kim and I both knew that if mom referred to us as our father's children, we needed to be out of range of anything she could throw.
Kim: College is my decision, not yours. [slams door]
[cut to Kim and Dean staring at Kim's now-detached door]
Lillian: Go ahead. Slam another door.

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