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Quote from Adult Dean in Lads and Ladies and Us

Adult Dean: One of the great things about my mom was how much she invested in us when we were little. She was like that for all of us. But she and Kim had things in common that she didn't have with me and my brother Bruce. A few years later, Bruce and I destroyed that tea set wrestling around in the family room. Kim adored mama. She wanted to be just like her. And mama loved the special bond they shared. Then the teen years hit.
Kim: You think I'm gonna wear this? Am I moving to a convent?
Lillian: No.
Adult Dean: It started out as fights about clothes. Then makeup, then curfew. Pretty soon it felt like they were fighting about everything. My dad understood this was a typical pattern for girls and their moms. Unfortunately, I didn't.
Dean: This is so crazy. They argue so much 'cause they're just alike.
[Lillian and Kim stop arguing and glare at Dean]
Bill: [sighs]
[fantasy: Bill escapes from kitchen on a jet pack]
Adult Dean: Like my dad, I eventually learned to stay out of it. That's just the way things were.

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