Quote from Dean in Independence Day
Bill: I told you how he was swerving all over the road. Dean: It was like watching a drunk turtle. Lillian: Well, it was worse than that. He had a fender-bender. Left the car and walked home. They called a tow truck, but he couldn't remember where he left it. Bill: [sighs] I guess it's time. Lillian: Yeah. Everybody's time comes sooner or later. I know it's hard, but you're doing the right thing, and you're doing it because you love him. Dean: It's okay, Dad. He'll be in a better place, like Buster. Adult Dean: I didn't exactly know what they were talking about, but it sounded like when my dog Buster had to go to a big farm in the sky. Bill: What? Boy, we're talking about stopping your granddad from driving, not putting him down. Dean: Oh!