Robert Quote #21
Robert: Now then, how are we today?
Kelly: Fine.
Toby: Great.
Robert: Just fine, Kelly? Everything alright?
Kelly: Mmm-hm.
Robert: You feeling fulfilled in your life?
Kelly: I guess.
Robert: You guess? So, there is something you want that... you do not have.
Kelly: I try not to think about it.
Robert: Because it's too terrifying to imagine? Now we're cooking. What is it, Kelly? What is this great fear of yours?
Kelly: Never marrying.
Robert: Yes. Dying alone, that is very scary. And how are you, Toby?
Toby: So great.
The Office Quotes
‘Spooked’ Quotes
Quote from Robert
Robert: When I was a boy, there was an empty house just up the hill from my family's. It was rumored a man committed suicide there after being possessed by the devil. One day, a young woman, Lydia, moved into the house with her infant child. That very night, Lydia was awakened by a loud, heinous hissing sound. [hisses] She walked to the nursery, and there, in baby's crib, was a snake wrapped around baby's neck, squeezing tighter and tighter.
Creed: Oh my goodness.
Robert: The crib was full of dirt. Baby struggled to free itself from underneath, reaching and clawing, gasping for air. Embalmed bodies rose from their sarcophagi, lurching toward baby. For they were mummies.
Kevin: No!
Robert: Amongst them was a man, tall, slim.
Meredith: Jim. [rolls eyes]
Robert: Almost instinctively, she turned to her husband. "Oh, wait," she thought, "I don't have a husband." For Lydia and her husband had had an argument, one they couldn't get past. Each night, they slept one inch farther apart, until one night, Lydia left. It was about this time she lost herself in imaginary worlds. She had quit the book club, the choir, citing something about their high expectations. Her lips slowly grew together from disuse. Every time she wanted to act and didn't, another part of her face hardened, until it was stone. And that fevered night, she rushed to the nursery, threw open the door, "Baby, are you okay?" Baby sat up slowly, turned to mother and said, "I'm fine, bitch. I'm fine."
Bert: [laughs]
Quote from Creed
Robert: Looks terribly real, doesn't it, Creed?
Creed: No...
Robert: Are you scared of snakes?
Creed: You don't live as long as I have without a healthy fear of snakes, Bobby.
Quote from Robert
Robert: Fear plays an interesting role in our lives. How dare we let it motivate us. How dare we let it into our decision making, into our livelihoods, into our relationships. It's funny, isn't it, we take a day a year to dress up in costume and celebrate fear.