Kelly Quote #92

Quote from Kelly in Koi Pond

Ryan: Some of you may have noticed that I'm a kind of ill-defined, uh, relationship type of thing.
Michael Scott: Okay, what do you want me to write?
Ryan: Just put Kelly.
Dwight K. Schrute: Is that still going on?
Kelly: I will claw your tiny nose off.
Dwight K. Schrute: It's on the list.


 ‘Koi Pond’ Quotes

Quote from Dwight K. Schrute

Dwight K. Schrute: Jim is my enemy. But it turns out that Jim is also his own worst enemy. And the enemy of my enemy is my friend. So, Jim is actually my friend. But... because he is his own worst enemy, the enemy of my friend is my enemy. So, actually Jim is my enemy. But...

Quote from Dwight K. Schrute

Dwight K. Schrute: The geometric proportions of my face are perfect in every way but one. My nose is too small. I mean, it still works. I can smell things. I just have to be much closer than most people.

Quote from Erin

Erin: How did today go, by the way? Did you make any sales?
Pam: No. It was a total waste of time. Um. It was fun, though, because I got to spend the day with Andy Bernard. He's really cool.
Erin: Yeah, he is!
Pam: Yeah, he is.
Erin: He's, like, the coolest person I've ever met.
Pam: That's... right. He's like Marlon Brando.
Erin: Oh. Do you mean Marlon Wayans? 'Cause he is.
Pam: I actually do mean Marlon Wayans. Yeah.