Michael Scott Quote #1430
Quote from Michael Scott in New Boss
Michael Scott: [on the phone] Michael Scott calling for David. Tell him to call me ASAP as possible.
Features in the collection: Michael Scott: The Misquotes.
The Office Quotes
‘Michael Scott: The Misquotes’
Quote from Michael Scott in Phyllis' Wedding
Michael Scott: They say that your wedding day goes by in such a flash that you're lucky if you even get a piece of your own cake. I say, that's crazy. I say, "Let them eat cake." Margaret Thatcher said that about marriage. Smart broad.
Quote from Michael Scott in The Negotiation
Michael Scott: No need for consternation. Everything is under control.
Jan: [on the phone] Michael, last Friday, one of your employees attacked another employee in your office.
Michael Scott: It was a crime of passion, Jan. Not a disgruntled employee. Everyone here is extremely gruntled.
‘New Boss’ Quotes
Quote from Pam
Pam: I can tell Michael's mood by which comedy routine he chooses to do. The more infantile, the more upset he is. And he just skipped the Ace Ventura talking butt thing. He never skips it. This is bad.
Quote from Dwight K. Schrute
Dwight K. Schrute: Oh, Michael, come on, no. You have to charm them.
Receptionist: [answering phone] David Wallace's office.
Dwight K. Schrute: Hey there, gorgeous. How you doing today?
Receptionist: I'm good, thank you.
Dwight K. Schrute: How's it hanging?
Receptionist: All right.
Dwight K. Schrute: Good. Listen. My name is Michael Scotch. And I just wanted to say that I've got David Wallace's son in the trunk of my car. If he doesn't get on this phone in five seconds-
Michael Scott: What are you doing? God! Oh, my God!
Quote from Dwight K. Schrute
Dwight K. Schrute: Originally founded in 1866, Scranton quickly became one of Pennsylvania's largest anthracite coal mining communities.